Host Current state Toggle to ...Host to count
Mag07.asuDenied Deny Grant
Count (today only)
Mag08.asuDenied Deny Grant
Count (today only)
Mag09.asuGranted Deny Grant
Count (today only)
Mag10.asuGranted Deny Grant
Count (today only)
M01.804.asuGranted Deny Grant
Count (today only)
M02.804.asuGranted Deny Grant
Count (today only)
Zabolotniy.elfGranted Deny Grant
Count (today only)
Dzhura.elfGranted Deny Grant
Count (today only)
Kafedra_PE.peGranted Deny Grant
Count (today only)
Chernikov.toeGranted Deny Grant
Count (today only)
Room606_1Granted Deny Grant
Count (today only)
Room606_2Granted Deny Grant
Count (today only)
<- Press to apply changes

Generated Wed Apr 19 10:14:23 2000 (Phoenix local time).