Sientific activity

At present I concern with masiv parallel simulation ambience for the net object with lumped parameters. I have publications in this thematic :

Pererva A. Topology analyzer parallel models of net object (in russian). //Sientific works of TU Donetsk. Series "Information, cybernetic and computer technic" (ICCT-99). - Donetsk: DSTU. - 1999. - P.72-77.

Pererva A. Generator and decider of equations.  (in russian). //Sientific works of TU Donetsk. Series "Information, cybernetic and computer technic" (ICCT-2000). - Donetsk: DSTU. - 2000.

Galasov,R.A., Lapko,V.V., Pererva,A.A., Rasinkov,D.S., Svjatnyj,V.A. Parallele Simulation von industriellen Grubenbewetterungsnetzen. Tagungsband 13.Symposium Simulationstechnik ASIM '96 in Weimar, 343-348.

My scientific chief

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