Subject magistrs of activity: " Creation of a reference system on a geodesy ".

The chief: the teacher of stand of a geodesy – prof. Gavrilenko Uriy Nikolaevich.

The purpose of the given research work is the creation of a reference system of the geodesic terms and concepts relating a geodesy with their fullest definitions on the basis of the computer database with. The Help is intended for the students starting to study « the Geodesy ?.1 »,  for the students of the 1-st course, and allows is more more friend and more qualitative to study the main(basic) course of a speciality.

In the given research work the reference system on a geodesy is designed, i.e. « the reference Book for a Windows - appendices » with the help of the Instant Help utility, which one is very simple and is fast in usage, and most important costs(stands) much cheaper than clones and is accessible to each student.

Any student, having such software product can in friend for itself time and in a friend place study an initial course of a geodesy or in more detail will be defined(determined) in any concept, that considerably removes load from a teaching structure and reduces(descends) relation of received formation (knowledge) to the teachers.