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I was born in 1977 in city Gorlovka of Donetsk region. In 1992 i finished 9 classes of the secondary school ¹54.In the same year I entered the machine-building college of Gorlovka. I graduated from it in 1997 with the diploma in a speciality "Repair, service and adjustment of machine tools with numerical program handle and robototechical complexes". After graduating from the college I entered  the 3-rd course of Donetsk State Technical University on a speciality "Machinery of factories of black metallurgy". In 1999 I was confered a diploma of a bachelor's degree on a speciality "Engineering mechanics".
I was on different kinds of practice in join-stock company "Stirol", where I was busy with the problems of organization and automation of line fault service.
Nowadays IO have a master's degree and I am enganged in research work with the topic:
"Development of a mathematical means of the registration of movement of spare parts under condition of change of availability index of product of the equipment".
The chief of the given operation is the senior lecturer of faculty Chenzov Nikolay Aleksandrovich.

My address: Ukraine, Gorlovka city, index 84637,
Pobedy str., 97/60.
Telephone: (06242) 2-48-64