Calayda Sergey Vladimirovich

83050, st. by Roza Luksemburg 48/28, Donetsk,Ukraine

       I was born november 14 1979 in Donetsk, has conducted the usual boys yard childhood. With 1986 on 1996 years learned in general school ¹13 in Donetsk. I rage the swimming, football, basketball, play for school team. From subjects most of all like, naturally, physical culture, as well as physics and russian literature. The loved writer - Alexandre Dumas, listen most of all like V.S.Visotskiy, A.S.Solovyanenko, E.Presley, M.Motieu, though read and listen much other things.

        Since 1996 was trained in Donetsk state technical university on faculty "Economy and management" in professions "Economy of enterprise (specialization - coal industry)

        In student years interests did not change, was added the love to philosophy(on Platon, Cant, Berdyaev, Veber wrote something look like article), mathematical methods in economy, programming in medium Borland Pascal. Little concern with Web-design: took part in creation of sait . Besides, at free time play for faculty team on basketball and handball. The Last continue to concern with and presently.

        The Loved teacher -N.S.Pochtarenko (the chair of aerology), loved discipline - marketing, econometrics.

        The pain for "Shakhtyor","Dynamo", nation team of Ukraine and France. I see both our classics, and best films of pro-american culture.

        In 2000 with difference finish four-year education in university with conferring the qualifications of bacalaver, as well as cair of military training on professions "Zenithal artillery complexes of small calibre" with conferring the soldierly rank a second lieutenant of spare. In this year has enterred in magistracy on direction "Economy of enterprise".

       The First scientific study held at subject:

"Estimation of competitiveness mining enterprises
       as main factor of provision their economic safety".

        At the point study is directed on practical acknowledgement of got dependencies for their further use. With text of abstract of work you may get acquainted on my