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Yevgeniy Volokhov

University Group: BE 96(a)

For letters:


I was born on June 24, 1979 in Selidovo . That year I moved to Donetsk. In 1986 I went to the 1-st form of the secondary school school 147. The 3-rd form of my school studies began in the new school 135, which is in the block "Tsvetochny", where I live in now. Good memory about the school, where I studied in, stood at me due to some teachers. Studying at school I realized, that noone behave with a pupil as a person, what was extremely unpleasant for me.

I realized that the school level of preparation on mathematics was not sufficient to pass successfully entrance exams in such fundamental HIGHER SCHOOL as DSTU. Actually speaking, all good responses of certain significant persons about the university stimulated me to prepare to exams. The speciality "Business economics" seemed to me the most interesting and prospective. In my humble opinion, a teacher (whatever he/she is good) has all possibilities to teach someone, if the latter has the desire to learn. A student has to train him/herself using only own forces, and a teacher helps to avoid certain mistakes. My impressions about the speciality I choose and about DSTU are the best: perhaps they are called by the contrast with the school, where a pupil was considered as a separate biological unit destined for the accumulation of knowledge, and the university one is considered as an individual, who have own original ideas. In my opinion, all teachers, whom I managed to acquaint with are competent, and are the masters in the fields they work in. Students turned to be rather different and very interesting people, some colleagues even became my friends later.

The principal scientific problem, which I paid the greatest part of my efforts is "The usage of marketing techniques for the promotion of the specific goods and for the increase of the efficient activity of a company". I stopped on this problem, because it seemed to me very interesting. The supervisor of my research work is Ass. Prof. Tatyana Stepanova, a teacher, who is competent in the field of the problem. and a person, whom it is good to work with.