magistrate of chair " Electromechanical systems of automation and electric drive "(EAPU) of ETF

The theme of master work " Research of modes of operations of management of electric drives of flying scissors "

e-mail: rus_kru@ukr.net



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      I was born on October 25, 1979 about 7 o'clock in the morning in city Snezhnoe, located in east part of Donetsk area. This city became to me native and I spent my childhood in it. I have appeared on light by second in family and that's why I have the senior support - my brother. To speak and to go I began early, I was about one year old.
      Per 3 years I have been sent in a children's garden, where I was brought up to the second class ( I studied in a zero class at children's garden instead of the first class at school), and in 1987 I have gone to the second class in school. It was the secondary school ¹8, newest and largest school in city. My teacher of initial classes were Podmogilnaya Tamara Vasilyevna, who taught me up to the fourth class inclusive. My class chief was Zamkovaya Lidiya Nikolayevna from 5-th class to final 11-th class.
      In the fifth class I began to attend a flower circle in the House of the pioneers, where I went about one year. Then I began to go on additional section - basketball. I have achieved in this kind of sports quite good results and I even have received the youthful category. My team occupied one of the first places on school competitions, and ours modular occupied practically always first place in interschool competitions . I have stopped to be engaged in this kind of sports in 9-th class.
      To this time I have allocated main subjects: there was a physics, then mathematics and all exact sciences on the first place in this list . Repeatedly participated in school Olympiads in these subjects.
      From 10-th class began to participate actively in school measures: KVN and other competitions, where with the team received good successes. In the same time I began to go in a training hall, but I was engaged there about one year and I have not achieved much because of a structure of my body. In 10 - 11 classes I went in interschool combine on auto business, where we prepared for reception of the driver's certificate on a lorry. I first decided all tickets by rules of road movement here. I has learned to drive the car rather quickly and on the second year of training repeatedly acted in a role of the instructor for younger generation. Ending the eleventh class I has received by first "rights" on a category "Ñ". In one half-year I have opened two categories "ÀÂ" too.
      I finished the school in 1997. My school-leaving certificate consists on half four and on half five marks.
      I have entered DonNTU for several reasons. Main of them are its prestige, "technical direction" and state belonging.
      It was rather simply to choose the electrotechnical faculty among the set of them , taking into account my technical bias, but in the beginning I even thought to enter KITaA faculty. The speciality "Electromechanical systems of automation and electric drive " I have chosen for its wide opportunities and area of application, so particularly I didn't know the future place of work. The diploma of electromechanics that is received here, opens ample opportunities for search of work.
      During study at university I have written 2 scientific works. Thanking trade union of university I repeatedly had a rest in student's prophylactic hospital and I has visited Kiev on a winter vacation and I had a rest in sanitary - improving camp "Burevestnic" in summer, where I has received unforgettable impressions.
      After ending 4-th year and successful passing of graduation examinations, I have received the bachelor's degree electromechanics with distinction and entered magistrature.
      The theme of master work " Research of modes of operations of management of electric drives of flying scissors " I have chosen under the offer of my scientific chief on SRWS of the senior lecturer, candidate of engineering science, chief of a department of automation SIU "DONIX" Svetlichniy AlexeyVasilievich. He has explained the reasons of transition from an analog control system to digital-analog one expediency of introduction of new system at the enterprises in detail . Having analysed that was told by the teacher, I firmly have solved to stop on this theme of work. Due to introduction of a new control system, it permits significally to lower waste of metal, that's cut , that in turn allows to lower cost of hire. On the majority of metal works of Ukraine such improvements were not carried out, that will help me correctly to choose a direction of the labour activity in the future.