Was born 28 of august 1980 in city Gorlovka of Donetsk area. Autumn of 1987 became by the schoolboy of 1-st class average school №25 in city Gorlovka. Upon termination of 3-rd class was transferred in Gorlovk's scool №47 1-3 steps, which has ended in 1997 and received the certificate about complete secondary education of a physical and mathematical profile. During study in school took part in various measures of cultural and sports character, was the diligent schoolboy. In 1997 by results of trials was enlisted in Donetsk State Engineering University (DonSEU) on a speciality "MACHINES Both VEANSES of CHEMICAL EXECUTIONS And ENTERPRISES of BUILDING MATERIALS" (MCE) on the budgetary form of tutoryng. Motive of inflow on the indicated speciality became a combination of a mathematical warehouse of mind and desire to receive knowledge in the field of an engineering mechanics. A reason of a choice of a chemical profile of a speciality became residence in city with developed chemical branch. During tutoring there was by the fanFC "Miner"(Donetsk) . In 2001 has received the diploma youhger specialist on a speciality MCE of theFACULTET ECOLOGY And CHEMICAL NECHNOLOGY . In 2001 has passed the state examination on stand of military preparation and has received a rank lieutenant of a store.

Theme of a thesis: Research and magistr's work (under the direction of the deserved inventor of Ukraine, professor A.S. Parfenuk) are devoted to engineering terotechnologies of the approach to a problem of a raise technogen's of security of a technological complex at a stage of operation on base " Concern Stirol ". Motive of a choice of the given theme - interest to this problem, especially in conditions of the raised accident rate of the enterprises of a chemical profile.

Scientific school: In a problem of engineering terotechnologies of the approach on stand MMCE the chief of my thesis - Parfenuk A.S. is engaged. By problems of a raise technogen's of security are engaded the teachers of cafedra MMCE. On this theme was written and some papers are published.

The future of a theme, speciality: The problem of a raise of security of executions in Ukraine practically is not investigated. Therefore, it is possible to tell about long life of a theme. The urgency of a theme speaks for itself. In the future, in my opinion, to this problem will begin to give the greater attention, as in western countries. The solution of a problem of a safety will allow to decide a set of other problems: an accident rate on execution, automation, ecology. In a solution of this problem the people with knowledge of execution - mechanics should be engaged. Therefore, future of my speciality also long, yet will not conduct automation of execution.

Personal prospects: Upon termination of university I plan to work on a speciality at the enterprise of a chemical profile. The tutoring in the magistracy will allow me to receive necessary knowledge on researched subject and scientific thinking. It, I hope, will allow me to apply my knowledge in practice and to become the good chief. About the future, more than for 10 years did not reflect, and yet I do not see in it of sense.