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Master's degree work Library Links


Faculty of Economics and Management
Donetsk National Technical University

IE-97À group. Mailing address:


Master's degree work topic: The analysis of international experience of restructuring of "industrial economics" enterprises

The chief: the candidate of economical sciences Ivanov Alexander.

I was born on January 17, 1980 in city of Donetsk, where I continue to live and to study.

School years

In 1987 I went to school. That time it was called school ¹1. During my studying there school was renamed in Study-Educational Complex ¹1 of I-III stage. However essence of school was not changed: at all events we, pupils, did not note any principle differences. Actually Study-Educational Complex differs from school by that the kindergarten, school and higher school enters in it. Such higher school was the Donetsk Polytechnical Institute (Donetsk National Technical University, in which I study now). Due to this cooperation we had a capability to hand entrance examinations at the end of June, that gave us the possibility to try ourselves twice (second time - in July). Fortunately I had not taken the advantage of the given capability, and I entered our university from the first try. I did not have time to get frightend, because there was in a day after outlet.

I still have the most pleasant impressions about school. In the beginning I was afraid of the teachers (fear of childhood have confirmed: at school it was necessary to study, and at house also), but rather fast the fear had gone. Since the seventh year of study, we were sectioned into profile classes: mathematical, economical, physics-biological and humanitarian. I studied in the physics-biological class, but not due to the favours for natural sciences, but because of campaign. Several times I was the winner of school olympiads on physics and chemistry, participat in district. I finished school with a golden medal. But honestly, talking about school, first of all, in the head there come absolutely another memories. Our class was very amicable. Last two years at school and one and a half years at university we practically did not part. We were gathering together and singing songs (two or three guitars were mandatory attribute), so I became a constant (I hope) fan of rock-music. By the way about music. During the studying in the school, I have ended with excellence musical school ¹1 of the city of Donetsk (the class of a piano). It happend in the ninth form, and gave me more time for communicating with friends. As for me, such kind of relationship is a good archievment itself.

Motives of the choice of the speciality "international economics" and of the entering Donetsk National Technical University

To tell the truth, the speciality was selected by a method of exception. I did not have any definite thoughts and wishes about the future. At first economical speciality was selected by the method of exception. In spite of the fact that each third in our class went to Medical university, I did not want to be a doctor (I can not imagine to spend life in a hospital). I always would like to work in business. From occupations of the economist and lawyer the first was selected, as I always liked the precise sciences more than humanitarian. Besides in DNTU on “international economics” a lot of time is given to foreign languages, due to that we do know English wery well. So, if it would be necessary to select univercity and speciality again, I would make the same choice.

Among personal achievements at university it is possible to mark publication of the article in the collection of articles of DNU. In is called “Investments into Ukrainian Young Tennis-players” and was created together with Vasilchenko Elena and Mozgovaya Evelina. Also by achievement it is possible to esteem obtaining "red" diploma of the degree of bachelor of Economics and Enterpreneurship. Besides all these years (except the second year of study) I was the monitor of our group (IE-97A) and has kept excellent relations with the friends - groupmades.

Motives of selection of a subject of a master's degree work

I have entered the magistracy in 2001 and now (2002) I write a master's degree work on a subject “The Analysis of international experience of re-structuring of "industrial economics" enterprises" under the supervizing of the candidate of economical sciences Ivanov Alexander.

Subject was selected due to activity in auditor firm "Intron". We esteemed a problem of re-structuring of mines in Donetsk area from the economical point of view. Having talked with my scientific chief, we have decided that to learn international experience of the solution of the given problem is necessary to understand, which is the best way to restructure the Ukrainian industrial enterprises. Besides such subject as early as one nobody defended on our speciality.

This subject has huge future. In our country there is a growing demand for "restructuring" of industrial enterprises.

Plans for the future: speciality, sphere of activity

May be because I always studied well and carefully, it would not be desirable to prolong studying for me at all. Having worked on a private concern, I have understood, that I like to work more than to study. I would like to begin my carrier in a small company. There it will be more chances and capabilities for me to make something on my own, from the beginning to the very end. Besides I would better understand all activity and organization. And in future, may be in some years, it will be possible to organize my own business.


Master's degree work Library Links

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