Russian Ukrainian

Zarubey Pavel Petrovich

Grup EGP97(MEK)
Theme of work: "Planing optimum volume manufacture of the enterprise"
(prof. Evdokimov F.I.)
I was born 14.03.1974 in Donetsk.

Has received the following education:
- secondary education, school #15 Donetsk;
- technical education, graduated from Donetsk Polytechnical collage, majored in "Operation of water supply and drainage systems";
- military education at base #54371 in Odessa gualified in shooting ;
- professional and technical education at "Odessa Military region headguaiter", gualified in engraring and cargo forwarding ;
- Regional driving school at Donetsk received a driver's license, categories "B" and "C";
- higher education at Donetsk National Technical university, bachelor degree in Economics and busines.

The basic motive in chosing the topic and specialty for working on my Master's Degree is the pull to present - day knowledge in various areas of science and technigen.

Professional prospectives:
-expert in marketing.

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