Russian Ukrainian

Baranov Alexcandr Vladimirovich
The master of faculty of geotechnologies and production managements
Donetsk national
Technical university
83000 Ukraine, Donetsk, street. Artem, 58
Faculty "Nature protection activity"


My supervisor of studies - Cand.Tech.Sci., the professor, Faculty "Nature protection activity"
Theme мasters works:
"The Choice and Substantiation technological decisions
for decrease(reduction) of harmful influence
the mountain enterprise on an environment
m\m."October mine ".
Сосдание safe working conditions in clearing and preparatory mine and in zones of conducting CEW"

      I, Baranov Alexander Vladimirovich was born in Donetsk June, 30, 1978.

      In 1985 has gone in AS _50 which has successfully finished in 1993, since 1993 for 1995 it was trained in AS _41. During training at schools was engaged at Donetsk City School Graphic, also was engaged in navigation in Sports Коплексе "October" m/m "October mine"

     In 1997 has acted(arrived) in "Donetsk State Техническиий University" (DonNTU) on faculty "Geotechnologies and Production management" (FGPM), on faculty "Nature protection activity" in group EGT-97 "Ecological technologies and the equipment n mountain busines".

      DonNTU is one of the most prestigious high schools not only Donetsk area, but also Ukraine, it is the professionalism produced for 80 years of existence, FGPM (Mountain) one of the most oldest faculties who has given life to many faculties of our institute since it(he) was based as "College of mines".

     The graduates who have received qualification of the engineer - ecologist on specialization " Ecology in mountain business " can not only carry out the control of a condition of an environment, working in various ecological services but also to work at the industrial enterprises and in the organizations on nature protection activity as the ecologist - technologist, the manager - ecologist.

      In 2001 has received the bachelor's degree of the ecologist.

      Took part in development of scientific work "Opportunities of increase of efficiency CEW by the directed change of properties of coal by hydroinfluence, In same clause(article) questions of increase of efficiency of explosive works are considered(examined) by change of properties of coal directed by hydroinfluence".