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Markin Alexander Dmitrievich - doctor of technical sciences, professor of the pulpit "Industrial heat-engineering" Donetsk national technical university, specialist in the field of identification of heat-engineering processes. He was born on 24-th of Augustof 1945 year in town Mariupol Donetsk region. He graduated from the Moscow aviation institute in 1969 by the speciality "Space system engineering designer".

Since 1996, he delivers lectures the "Energy" and "General heating engineering" courses on the French technical faculty of Donetsk national technical university . The main direction of his scientific researches is the analysis of many-measured non-stationary problems of heat conductivity. He prepared two candidates of technical sciences. He is an author of 37 advanced studies, 14 inventions, 6 training manual .

His main scientific works:
  1. О регуляризации решения обратной задачи теплопроводности в вариационной постановке // Инж.-физ. журнал. - 1987. - Т. 52. - N 6. - С.991-995.
  2. Интегральный анализ процессов окалинообразования // Изв. АН СССР. Металлы. - 1987. - N 4. - С.170-175.
  3. Нестационарная диагностика теплотехнологических процессов черной металлургии. Препринт ДонФТИ АН Украины. - 1993. - N 7. - 16 с.
  4. Экспериментальный анализ динамических характеристик термопреобразователей. Препринт ДонФТИ АН Украины. - 1994. - N 6. - 22 с.