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Master's work


"Development of methods of non-ferrous metals removing from iron melts"

author: Denis Mironov
student of the Physical-Metallurgical Faculty

The supervisor of studies, Cand.Tech.Sci.,docent of department of  
"EM and CPS"
Kostetsky Y.V.



The recirculation of obsolete scrap in fair quantity may lead to a progressive increase of the level of tramp elements, in particular copper, in steel. But still there are not reliable commercial methods to control the copper content in the metal during steelmaking. A means of treatment by sulfides is promising to creating necessary technology. Some features of molten iron treatment by sulfur and soda were explored in this work. Combined and serial injections of the reagents were examined in the laboratory experiments. After treatment the copper concentration in the iron reduced by 12-45% in different trials at the final sulfur percentage in the span 0.29-0.59%. The final copper content in the melt correlates with the final sulfur percentage. Lower final copper concentrations correspond with more high sulfur percentage.

The list of my publications

1.     Пути обеспечения качества электростали при утилизации скрапа с повышенным содержанием примесей цветных металлов- Ю.В.Костецкий, Д.Ю.Миронов, кафедра ЭМиКПС, ДонНТУ

2.     Удаление примесей цветных металлов хлоридами и фторидами- Д.Ю.Миронов, В.С.Ходячих, В.Г.Скрябин- кафедра ЭМиКПС, ДонНТУ

The bibliographic references

1.Кудрин, В. “Перспективные способы удаления примесей цветных металлов из железоуглеродистых расплавов”. Труды I     конгресса сталеплавильщиков: Москва, 1993; pp.130-132.

2.Herman, J.; Leroy, V. “Influence of Residual Elements on Steel Processing and Mechanical Properties”, Iron & Steelmaker 1996, 12, с.35-43.

3.Nilles, P. “Recycling and Virgin Materials in the Changing European Steel Industry”, Iron & Steelmaker 1997, 4, 33-40.

4.Lead and zinc control by DRI charging in EAF steelmaking/ Ameling, D., Steffen, R., Stercken, K./ IISI-TECHCO 31. – 1999. – №4. – p.26-27.

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