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Pavljukov Valery


The senior lecturer of faculty "Power Station"

The assistant to the dean of Electrotechnical faculty

1970 - has ended Donetsk polytechnical institute on a speciality "Power station"
1975 - 1978 - it was trained in postgraduate study on speciality ES
1987 - protection dissertations in BTI (Minsk). A subject of the dissertation "The information complex for calculation of modes asynchronous engines "
Was engaged in research of modes (transitive and stationary) in sites with impellent loading. To transitive concern electromagnetic (various kinds of short circuit) and electromechanical (start-up, self-start, a reverser of engines).
Also took part in development of programs for the analysis of transients (short circuit and self-start the engine) for working enterprises (a various sort of power stations, the enterprises of electric networks).
For educational process has developed programs of calculation on PC in the environment of package MathCad:
- modes of start-up and self-start the engine;
- modes symmetric and asymmetrical sh.cir.;
- stationary modes of thermal circuits of power units.
Is crucial at faculty for introduction of computer facilities in educational process. Under his management it is developed educational BD electric equipments in Access environment for students faculty.

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