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Moshkalov Anton Vladimirovich

Master of FEA chair
Faculty of Economics and Management
speciality: International Economics
group IE-99à
Write a letter to me
master thesis supervisor:
Malyshko Alexander Valentinovich

A little bit about myself and not only

I was born on the 20 October in 1981 in the place known for it's mines, criminals, strong wind and absolutely destructed roads. People call it Donetsk. My parents, having not inherited any titles and lands, had to entrust my life into the hands of kindergarten social workers. These were meant to teach me some basic skills of survival and to form my initial world ideology. I am not sure whether they had succeeded or not, because my further education (from the 1 september of 1987) was cared about by school-teachers who had another set of views and values. It was an ordinary school where teachers' values orientation was much weaker than the same of violent and mass society. It would not be fair no to mention the other school located in the very same walls - school of friendship and hostility, first love and first hate. As an every place of people cooperation and communication in the Soviet Union, these schools had its own absolutely unique number - 22.

Eight years had passed until once (in 1996) having concluded the studying quarter I succeeded to pass the entering exams for the establishment wearing the prideful name - Donetsk technical college. In the times I am telling about my new shelter could give much to the one who wanted to take. Going deep into today's college atmosphere one would hardly believe that some time ago it was the Alma mater for some of today's best mathematicians and I hope to believe that it was also the cradle for future best economists. My heart is squeezing while I am passing nearby the college seeing a collective consisting of contemporary teachers and children very differing from the previous generations of college "family". "Family" - what a good word for people you like. Once it was a family and then the natural law saying "everything has it's beginning and ending" absorbed the great idea of absolutely objective knowledge evaluation.

My next part of life fully consists of the happiest period in a life of any fully conscious man. I am telling about the university years. “Donetsk polytechnic institute (DPI)” – that is the name of the educational establishment which I am proud to pronounce instead of it’s contemporary name of “Donetsk national technical university”. I can not make out the mystic of letters combination, but at the subconscious level “DPI” is something native bearing the essence of technical education (mó heart keeps deep respect to all kinds of technical cast of mind).

My first impression (I have been enjoying studying since 1999 till 2004) about the institute was interlacement of long-long corridors with big auditoriums and lecturers who created an impression of some unapproachable gods with whom it was sometimes difficult to find common language. But now I am very grateful to many representatives of the lecturing staff for givent attention to studentship and knowledge transfer, which is so important and so hard to realize in modern socio-economic conditions.

I should say that the process of getting high education is rather easy if your obey to it and unbearable if one dared to disobey. One can also be surprised that someone knows much better what subjects will become of great use during the lifetime. Such skepticism show amny students,but from the position of further life a man inevitably realizes that everything he was taughn in the institute would certainly be of use sooner or later. The main thing is that he was taught to learn.

Answering the question “What did institute give to me?” I can say for sure “It gave me education”. The rest, including friends, students life etc, was taken by myself.

By the way, I have been studying at “International economics” speciality of «Economics and Management» faculty.

Now it is the year 2004 and having received the bachelor’s degree I enjoy trying to upgrade my degree to a master’s one and working in “First Ukrainian International Bank” trying to manage operational risks, which became the topic of my master thesis. The topic of operational risks is very actual in the bank society and presents interest for research. One can acquaint himself closer with it in the part "Master paper".

In the future i would like to become internationally certified highly-paid risk-consultant. I hope my today work experience, education and wish of self-improvement will help will help me to reach this goal.

I would also like to say to the future specialists and masters of "International Economics" that they will always be able to find their place even in other fields. And also would like to add, if you have managed to read this till the end: "Take care of teachers and knowledge, do everything possible to make them live better."

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