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Welcome on speciality ACP!

     Donetsk national technical university from 1999 has been preparing specialists and masters by the specialty “Automatic control of the technological processes and productions” (ACP).
     Our students learn to exploit, regulate and assemble automatic control systems and devices of the technological processes in mining (including building of the underground), metallurgical, woodworking, light, food and another industries. Any object of automation connected with continuous technological processes is the potential place of future work our graduates.

     Only students of the speciality ÀCPASCTP have possibilities to study and make some researches in special educational and scientific laboratory Automatic Control System of the Technological Processes (ACS TP) – the region branch of the firm “Sterling Group Ukraine”), equipped by the equipment and software of the world leader in the spear of ACS TP – the concern “Rockwell Automation” (USA). The laboratory ACS TP is also equipped by the electricity supply meters of the national and foreign producers.

Gavrilenko B.      Only students of the specialty ACP in the discharging department’s laboratory thoroughly study control and measuring devices of the firm “KLASHKA ElectroniK und Automation GmbH” (Germany), which are wide used in the concerns “DAIMLER-CHRYSLER”, “BMW”, “Adam Opel” etc.

     Our graduates get the highest level of the theoretical and practical knowledge about technological processes’ features Ogolobchenko A.in different industries, automatic control theory, elements, devices and means of automation, microprocessor and measuring engineering, technological measurements, computer modeling of the technological processes, electric drive and power supply of the industry plants and factories (including adventures).

     We are also preparing the specialists by the specialty ACP on the accelerated training (for persons graduated from the technical schools by the related specialty) with the condition of full payment for study. Term of study – three years.

Swear     Students of our specialty have possibility to get the second education on the Military department without military service.

     Special economical training let our graduates to use the information management’s technologies, organize and promote market investigations in the system of moving and sale the production, took part in the producing management.

     From 2003 it begins the preparing of the specialists and masters by the specialty “Automatic control of the technological processes and productions of ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy” (ACP-M).

     From 2004 it is made the selection of the students of the specialty ACP for study in English.

     The graduates of the department are demanded in the industry. The quickly adapt for the conditions of the specific productions or scientific foundation. DefenseOur students can work on the Open Society "Donetsk metallurgical plant", Scientific and research institute “Avtomatgormash im. V.A. Antipova”, Open Society "Kharkov engineering plant "Light of the miner", Mine “¹17-17Bis”, and also on the Makeyevka scientific and research institute, State companies “Donbassugleavtomatica”, “Ugleizotop”, mines of Donetsk region “Glubokaya”, “im. M.I. Kalinina”, “Krasnoarmeyskaya-Zapadnaya ¹1” and others.

     Such great interests to the graduates of the specialty AUP is conditioned their complex training. This specialist knows the features of the technological processes, objects of automation. So when he create control system he built not only its computer model, but also rationally using opportunities of computing, microprocessor engineering, provides real control of object. The knowledge of the power switching equipment, systems of electrosupply, the electric drive is included also into a circle of his competence. That’s why there is steady demand for our graduates every year and the rating of their preparation by representatives of the industry is high.

     Our specialty rather difficult. Gavrilenko À., Tkachenko À., Kvitkovsky I.But from the first course we prepared not only the first-rate specialist but also the future leader, person who can work with a collective and make a progress independently of the unfavorable conditions. That’s why making your choice in favour of the specialty ACP you get the possibility to realize your creative potential, participates in the most important branches of technological processes control, and be sure in your future.


Our coordinates:

           (0622)  910-795 -   head of the department;
                         910-748 -   laboratory of the mine automatics;
                         910-750 -   placement SEP;
                         910-757 -   laboratory of the mine electrodrive;
                         910-783 -   teaching.

Postal address:
                    83000, Doneck, Artema street 58, room 1.006.


      Wating for your massages and wishes on the Web-site of the department GEA on E-mail:


Last changes on the Web-site was made: 25.05.04