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Alexander Khokhlov

Development of methods of estimation of power efficiency formoizmeneniya in processes of treatment of metals by pressure

Department: 09. 04. 04 - "Treatment metals by pressure"

Autoreferat masters dissertation
Scientific leader: Valery Kashaev, candidate of engineering sciences, associate professor
Donetsk 2004


    Actuality theme
    Because of nelimitirovanogo consumptions of energy during previous decades, in that the number and in area of treatment by metalov pressure, notion of output-input ratio of deformation practically vanished from the pages of scientific literature. The inelaborate of this question does not allow presently to have, besides common determinations of kpd deformation, clear criteria of associate, both with the indexes of formoizmeneniya, and with work of deformation. It in same queue does not allow to the technologists at the choice or development of one or another system of calibers quickly and reliably to estimate them kpd and give preference to the energosberegayushim variants, in default of other considering.
    Questions energosberegeniya at production of of high quality rental are actual, as increases of competitiveness of products are straight related to the tasks. The task of energosberegeniya acquires the special actuality at production of katanki on visokoskorostnih sortoprovolochnih figures.

    Purpose works:  to conduct analytical researches of formoizmeneniya at of high quality rolling.

    Tasks the researches put in the given work:
- to conduct research of indexes of formoizmeneniya metal and set their intercommunications with the expense of energy;
- to develop the otsenochnie indexes of power efficiency of formoizmeneniya;
- to explore the methods of estimation of output-input ratio of deformation.


© 2004 Alexander Khokhlov, e-mail: Butcherpit1@yandex.ru