
Сафонова Е.К., доц., Безбородов Д.Л., асс., Студенников А.В., маг. Повышение эффективности работы котельных агрегатов. Автоматизація технологічних об’єктів та процесів. Пошук молодих. Збірник наукових праць IV Міжнародної науково- технічної конференціяї аспірантів та студентів в м. Донецьку 11-14 травня 2004р.- Донецьк, ДонНТУ, 2004 – 479 с.


Presently at the thermal and electric enterprises there are serious problems connected with high cost of fuel. Thus the quantity of consumed energy does not decrease. Besides irrational use of fuel and energy resources results in increase in harmful emissions in an atmosphere and negatively influences an ecological situation.

Effective method, both an effective utilization of fuel, and reduction of negative influence by an environment, reduction in ecological payments introduction of modern technologies acts. The lead researches on the basic types of boilers give the basis to make a choice and to recommend actions for increase of an overall performance of units.

Clause: RAR

Попов А.Л., доц.; Студенников А.В., маг.; Седляр А.В., маг. Анализ способов очистки дымовых газов на ТЭС Автоматизація технологічних об’єктів та процесів. Пошук молодих. Збірник наукових праць IV Міжнародної науково- технічної конференціяї аспірантів та студентів в м. Донецьку 11-14 травня 2004р.- Донецьк, ДонНТУ, 2004 – 479 с.


In this work the analysis of ways of deep clearing of smoke gases which has shown, that deep clearing of the smoke gases sated water ferry has been lead, reached as a result of wet, moist or dry clearing, due to a stage of condensation, thus the basic quantity water the pair is condensed due to cooling of cleared smoke gases. This process favourably differs that provides so deep clearing departing gases of gaseous impurity, particles of a dust and aerosols that their residual quantity does not exceed the established normative values. The purpose of existing systems of gas purification is reduction of the residual maintenance in smoke gases of a dust and aerosols with which in atmospheric air heavy metals and toxic organic components of pollution were thrown out.

Thus, as a result of process of condensation the volume of gas is essentially reduced. Due to it necessary volumes of the subsequent steps of clearing can be appreciablly reduced. It concerns not only to building volumes, but also to consumed on the subsequent steps of clearing of the energy used, for example, for repeated heating condense of gases. The following advantage of a stage of condensation of cleared gases will be, that gas dehydrated as a result of condensation becomes "dry", that excludes condensation of a moisture at the subsequent steps filtration and catalytic clearing of gas, and the typical trace water steam on an output from a chimney becomes appreciable only at very cold weather. The given ways can be used at thermal stations of Donetsk region.

Clause2: RAR