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Hassine Abdelmajid
The Faculty of Computer Information Technology and Automatics.
Department of Automatics and Telemechanics.
Specialty - Telecommunication systems and networks.
The topic of the master's work is "Designing of the SDH network in the Donetsk region".
The supervisor of studies - the candidate of engineering sciences,senior of the Automatics and Telemechanics Department Boyko Vitaly Viktorovitsh.

My surname нassine, call Abdelmajid, a patronymic - Benmouhamed. Was born on May, 29, 1974 in the city of Sayada. On a nationality - berber. Father - нassine Mouhammed Laid, berber, mother - нassine Amna, berber. My childhood passed in the solar country Tunisie, in родном the city of Sayada where I and was born. My city costs on coast of Mediterranean sea, and I every day carried out near the sea, bathing and playing football on a beach. As I with the great pleasure went for a drive on a bicycle. With pleasure went with parents in Satiny mountains where wolves, wild boars, foxes, косули till now are found, and the flora also amazes with the variety. We, as well as on Ukraine, have kindergartens, but I there did not go. My mum did not work, was the housewife, therefore I could remain from a house. My father - the fisherman, therefore I could not see weeks of it when he left on a craft. My family will consist from nine person - father, mother, and seven children. At me two brothers and four sisters. Earlier such family was considered completely ordinary, now the usual family has 3-4 children. When to me was six years, I have gone to school. There I have studied six years. The basic hobbies at this time - football, handball in which was engaged enough - таки seriously - went to section, went on competitions, was the leader of a command{team}. At school very much loved mathematics, and the literature hated. In the age of twelve years I have passed to liceum where has studied the next seven years. My hobbies have remained former. In liceum I am profound studied mathematics, that, certainly, have helped me further. At this time I start to be engaged seriously in a chess I visit{attend} club, I achieve the certain successes. When I studied in liceum, in parallel began the labour activity - painted houses, fished in the sea, helping the father. In 1996 I act in institute in the city of Sousse on faculty of mathematics and physics on a speciality "Mathematics". I however studied there unimportantly, year has studied and has decided to not continue there the training. Wishing to change conditions, I have left to Ukraine for the city of Donetsk where at once started to study Russian, have passed annual preparatory courses and have acted in Donetsk State technical university on a speciality " Telecommunication systems and networks " faculty of computer information technologies. I have chosen this speciality because on same wanted to study on the Native land, but there at me, unfortunately, there was no such opportunity. In Donetsk I have got acquainted with the girl whom I meet to this day. After I shall finish the training, I want to suggest to go to her with me to me home, and, I hope, sheit will answer with the consent! Almost five years of training at university have passed for me without special work. Moreover, I already have found here work which gives to me pleasure and at present completely me arranges. I do not feel a language barrier, besides in Donetsk my compatriots study many The negative moment is, certainly, sessions which take away a lot of time and forces... Коснусь themes магистерской works. Computer networks are very interesting to me, therefore has chosen this speciality, Briskly Vitaly Viktorovicha in quality руководиля which has helped me with a choice of a theme of the dissertation. Together with him we are engaged in researches on the given theme. With impatience I wait, when I shall receive the diploma of the master.
