Ñåðãååâ Ñ.Â., 2004

Sergeev Sergey

Faculty: the CITA

"Automation of steel-smelting manufactureÈ"

The head:
Doc.Tech.Sci. , professor Sporihin Viktor Yakovlevich


I, was born Juny, 16 1982ã. in Gorlovka. On a nationality - Ukraine. Father - Sergeev Vladimir Viktorovich, 1948, the metallurgist. Mother - Sergeeva Tat`iana Nikolaevna, 1951, the engineer - designer.

In the childhood took a great interest in the designer, was engaged in chemistry, gathered brands. Friends was a little, in main it is guys were higher than me (for one year or two), for them something always was possible to learn(find out) interesting. Into street quarrels and fights did not get: to me were not clear neither their reasons, nor motives of people which conceived them, therefore always kept aloof.

Went to school _65. Especially to knowledge did not last, but it was always interesting to learn(find out) something new, therefore frequently sat up in the library, reading different encyclopedias. Not looking at it, at school was not first and each year was salvaged with obstinacy scold, which long was engaged with me and has tested the domestic job(definition). In Olympiads did not participate.

During 11 classes visited courses after mathematician at DonNTU. Choice of high SCHOOL in main was affected with presence in DonNTU of military faculty and that there was a possibility of several attempts of arrival in university: on a rating, on interview and on examination. A speciality has selected the bound with mathematics and computers (MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM). In effect(result), having typed 56 points, has passed on a rating and more about the further place of study did not trouble (as against other schoolmates). School has completed perfectly well.

I has finished school. Final all class have lead(carried out,spent) on tourist datum(basis) on Kurahovo. It was very cheerful and though it is not so warm, all bathed, played football, danced.

In September has acted(arrived) in Donetsk National Technical University on faculty of Computer information technologies and automations. On the first course studied rather mediocrely. In Olympiads did not participate (even if would like to participate, did not know where and that), was not engaged in public life, and the free from study time tapped private life.

On the fourth course possibility to act(arrive) at once in a magistracy has appeared, than I and have taken advantage. There was a question on choice of a subject for operation of the master. Appeared, that I till now was not engaged in scientific operation, and bastings of any were not. To put it briefly, it was sufficed for all in succession, but anything plainly it was impossible.

A subject of degree job - «Automation of steel-smelting manufacture», at the moment I am engaged in a set of knowledge on the given subject. The choice of a subject was affected by my supervisor of studies - Sporihin Viktor Yakovlevich. Subjects in which I was engaged did not satisfy to conditions magister jobs and consequently I have agreed on offered. It is necessary to notice, that this subject is interesting enough and extensive and will allow me to study those parties{sides} of automation of manufacture which before remained untouched.