DonNTU       Masters DonNTU

Kononenko Anatoly

Faculty  Energomechanical and automations

Pulpit  Energomehanicheskie systems

Kononenko Anatoly Petrovich was born on January 8th, in 1955.

In 1977 has finished Dneprodzerjinsky industrial institute on a speciality " Industrial power system".

Has gone to work in Doneck polytechnical institute (DonNTU) in a post of the younger scientific employee in 1980.

In 1988 has protected candidate's thesis on professions 05.05.06 "Mountain machines" and 05.14.09 "Hydraulics and engineering hydrology"

Since 1995 The senior lecturer of faculty " System of energomehanichs " (earlier " the Mountain mechanics", "Miner hydropneumatic equipment and hydraulics ").

Readable rates

  • " Hydraulics, hidro-and pneumodrives "
  • "Mechanics of a liquid and gas"
  • " Volumetric hydraulic both pneumatic machines and devices "
  • "Stationary machines"

Industrial achievements

the Problematics of researches today:

hydrodynamics of biphase streams;

airlifts installations.

List of the scientific works on 15.05.2005:
  1. "Mathematical models of airlifts "
  2. "The encyclopedy of airlifts (monography) "
  3. "Arrangement for rise of a hydromix "
  4. "Airlift "
  5. "Gas lift"
In detail