Faculty" Geotechnologies and operation of business "
Speciality"Safety of labour activity"
Theme of work: "The Analysis of a condition and development of actions on perfection of airing A.F.Zasjadko on the basis shootings”.
Supervisor of studies: professor Pochtarenko Nikolay Sergeevich

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   I was born in 1980 on December, 18 in Lugansk area of the Krasniy Luch.

Father - Kozyrev Vladimir Andreevich-1950 year of a birth, worked on mine itour boy, ours Yarik . News, the underground electromechanic. At present the invalid of 1 group.
Mother - Kozyreva Ekaterina Jakovlevna - 1948 of a birth, works as the operator of boiler installations.

      the Child went in kindergarten where I has arisen the dream to become the teacher. In 1987 has gone to the first class of a comprehensive school of ¹15 cities the Red Beam. Level with study at school, studied in musical. Has stopped on a class of a piano, but the sense from it has not enough, but since the childhood discipline was developed, the responsibility before study.

      In 1996 has successfully finished 9 classes of the above-named school. After the termination has tried to act in Stahanovskoe pedagogical school, but has not acted, and has decided to act in anyone other educational institution if only to not go again in school.

      In 1996 has acted(arrived) in Krasnoluchskiy mining technical school on a speciality " Operation and repair of the mining electromechanical equipment and automatic devices " . I did not lag behind from guys, took part in various cultural - entertaining actions. And still! In technical school I have met the fine person, and now the excellent husband and understanding father.

      2000 was for me the most sated. I has finished technical school, has acted in institute, and the main event which has taken place with me, I have married. Studying in technical school, me "has lit up" more in detail to study labour safety. And having seen a set on this speciality in institute, without hesitation has submitted documents to Donetsk state technical institute on speciality “ Safety of labour activity ”.

      So, studying and æèâÿ home life (by the way, 3 month has lived with the husband in different hostels) in 2003 on January, 30 on light our small "miracle", our boy, ours Yrik has appeared. Certainly, it was added efforts, but anything, I continued to study, have received the bachelor's degree, and has decided to continue study in a magistracy.

Now I work above preparation of materials for performance magistracy works on a theme " the Analysis of a condition and development of actions on improvement of airing ø.èì. A.F.Zasjadko on the basis shootings ".

Prospects on the future: I plan to devote all life to teaching work.