ODEs (Ordinary Differential Equations)

Справочник по пакету Mathematica

ODEs (Ordinary Differential Equations)

In the Mathematica examples below, boldface type is Input, regular type is Output.


Some differential equations permit general, analytic solutions:

  DSolve[ y''[t]==3-y[t], y[t], t ]

    {{y[t] -> 3 + C[2]*Cos[t] - C[1]*Sin[t]}}

y'=sin(y), y(1)=4.2

Numerical solutions to ODEs --- Initial Value Problems), where initial values for y and y', etc. are given --- are in the form of "interpolating functions";

  soln = NDSolve[ {y'[t] == Sin[y[t]], y[1]==4.2}, y, {t, -2, 4} ]

    {{y -> InterpolatingFunction[{-2., 4.},  ... }}

How do you use ``InterpolatingFunction''? It can give you specific numerical values (approximations, of course) and graphs. Using soln[[1]] from the solution above,

   Table[ {x, y[x], y'[x]} /. soln[[1]], {x,-1,3,0.5} ] // TableForm

         - 1      5.82839   -0.439294
         - 0.5    5.55424   -0.666085
           0.     5.16022   -0.901381
           0.5    4.67599   -0.999343
           1.     4.2       -0.87127
           1.5    3.82336   -0.630159
           2.     3.56544   -0.411271
           2.5    3.40112   -0.256627

   Plot[ y[x] /. soln[[1]], {x,-2,4} ];
график, построенный по таблице

Solving xy'+2y=sin(x) numerically

The following example shows how to use Mathematica to display a vector field and a specific trajectory, for a differential equation and starting value (IVP). The PlotField function requires that the standard package "Graphics`PlotField`" be loaded. All other comands are basic Mathematica functions described in the book Mathematica, a System for doing Mathematics by Computer (Wolfram).

     gensoln = DSolve[ x y'[x] + 2y[x] == Sin[x], y[x], x]

               C[1]   -(x Cos[x]) + Sin[x] 
     {{y[x] -> ---- + --------------------}}
		 2              2
                x              x

     onesoln = gensoln[[1]] /. C[1]->1.3;
     y[x_] = y[x] /. onesoln

     trajectory = Plot[ y[x], {x,1,10}, PlotRange->All,

     1.3   -(x Cos[x]) + Sin[x]
     --- + --------------------
      2              2
     x              x

     field = PlotVectorField[ {1, (Sin[x]-2y)/x},
		{x, 0.1, 10}, {y, -1, 2}];

     Show[ field, trajectory ];

Numerical solution of x(t) y'(t) +2y(t) = sin(x(t))

The vector field specified by a differential equation can be represented graphically using a standard package -- a set of special commands which can be loaded with the following command:


The differential equation x(t) y(t)'+2y(t) = sin(x(t)) can be set up as a set of two equations in terms of the independent parameter t, one for x'(t) and one for y'(t):

     eq1  =  x'[t] == y[t];
     eq2  =  y'[t] == (Sin[x[t]]-2y[t])/x[t];
Here's how to show a representation of the associated field. Let's show it for values of 1<x<5 and -1<y<2:

     field  =  PlotVectorField[ {y, Sin[x]-2y)/x}, {x,1,5, 0.25}, {y,-1,2, 0.2}];

Now, one particular solution, obeying this differential equation plus the initial conditions x(0)=3 and y(0)=1, can be displayed using ParametricPlot. First solve the ODE numerically. We must give an explicit range for the parameter t; the range -0.5<t<15 gives a nice solution and picture. (Hue 0.67 is blue.)

     nsoln = NDSolve[ {eq1, eq2, x[0]==3, y[0]==1}, {x,y}, {t, -0.5, 15}];
     trajectory = ParametricPlot[ {x[t], y[t]} /. nsoln[[1]], {t, -0.5, 15},
			PlotRange->All,   PlotStyle->{Hue[0.67]}];

The two graphics above can be shown together, using Show. Note that the specific solution for the given initial conditions (trajectory) fits with the general solution (field).

     Show[trajectory, field];

Numerical solution of (1+x2)y'+4xy = (1+x2)-2

In this case, the differential equation (1+x2)y'+4xy = (1+x2)-2 can be set up as the following set of two equations;

     eq1  =  x'[t] == y[t];
     eq2  =  y'[t] == (1/(1+x[t]^2)^2-4x[t] y[t])/(1+x[t]^2)
Here's a nice picture of the field defined by these equations:

     field  =  PlotVectorField[ {y, (1/(1+x^2)^2-4x y)/(1+x^2)},
     			{x,-4,4, 0.5}, {y,0,7, 0.5}];

Solving for initial conditions, say, x(0)=3 and y(0)=1, and displaying the trajectory {x(t), y(t)} parametrically in blue,

     nsoln = NDSolve[ {eq1, eq2, x[0]==3, y[0]==1}, {x,y}, {t, -2, 2}];
     trajectory = ParametricPlot[ {x[t], y[t]} /. nsoln[[1]], {t, -2, 2},
			PlotRange->All,   PlotStyle->{Hue[0.67]}];

Show the general field and the specific solution together:

     Show[trajectory, field];
