DonNTU Masters of DonNTU Search system of DonNTU

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 Gusakova E.A.

Gusakova Evgeniya Anatolievna
Computer Informational Technologies and Automatics
Automatic System Controlling
group ASU-00à
master's work
Development of the expertmanagerial system of the commercial bank financial resources control
superior: Ph.d. Zhukova Tamara Porfirievna

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One of the warm spring days (as follows, 4 May 1983) in a Donetsk family of an engineer Gusakov Anatoliy Alekseevich and scientific worker Gusakova Lyudmila Georgievna I was born. Since this moment, my brother (before he was a single child in family) was assigned the status "elder brother", and I, what relies on, was assigned a status "younger sister" with all resulting thence consequence and privilege. Now, the great love of our mother my brother had to share with me. But I’d like to notice that my mother’s love became two greater to us.

So, since this moment of my birth, my life began…. As to my childhood, it was bright and cloudless, like the childhood of other children. As you guessed, the greatest part of this period of life was percuved world through the contact with my brother, with whom we were friends. When I was a small girl I always walked with him everywhere, my first friends were his friends, however I always had a status "younger sister", status "else small" was present always, but I did not like this.

I can say nothing about my first nursery-school teacher in kindergarten , because I did not go there. My nursery-school teachers were my grandfather and my grandmother. As for me, they were the best persons in the world. I will be grateful and thankful them for all my life. I will never forget them.

My fascinations

Instead of visiting of the kindergarten I visited the choreographic studio "Veselinka" in Culture House named by Kuybyshev during 10 years. The dancing was my the greatest fascination for me. I remember that times, when I visited each dance rehearsal with pleasure, remember my wonderful teachers of the dance. They were really professionals.

But the most of all I remember the conserts, which passed on "one breathing" - when you are on the scene and in this moment behind you all remains: gruelling rehearsals during 3-5 hours, perfected on one hundred once beside tool dance motion, cricks in the legs in the night from overstrain. And when you look at the spectators, you understand that today you must dance so good, as never before. There is only scene, spectators and our dance group. There were the most bright and rememberring days in my lifes.

My school years

I was seven on May 4, 1990 , and on the first of September of the same year with white bows on the head and big bouquet of asters in hand, I went to the school of 1-3 steps N 64 in Donetsk. I was in 1-A form. My first teacher’s name was Yacenko Alexandera Vladimirovna. There exists such notion as "A person from the God" and Alexandera Vladimirovna - "A teacher from the God" - a real professional , who likes her work very much.

I am grateful her very much, because she found an approach to me, revealled my abilities for excellent studding. And all that, what I reached now, it’s thankful her, because I think that a lot in life depends of that persons, who were near you and who helped you do right chooses.

I liked mathematics since first form, in the senior forms it was algebra and geometry. But this does not mean that other subject did not exist for me. I liked also humanitarian sciences: history, foreign languages and literature. Each school year in school I finished with the excellent marks and diploma.

If you want to know what kind of person I was at that times I can say: "In the school I studied excellent, was a monitor of the class, took part in different school olympiads in mathematics (1 place in a regional olympiad), chemistry (the 2 places in regional olympiad), history (the 3 places in regional olympiad), ukrainian language and literature (the 3 places on regional olympiad). For these places I got the diplomas.

Donetsk Technical College

I studied in my native school 64 up to the ninth class. After finishing the eighth form I entered to the Donetsk Technical College (DTC) on rating has . It was my first victory!

So, new stage in my life began. It was not like the previous period, which was earlier - College. College meaned a highly qualified teachers, who had very interesting lessons and who gave the profound knowledges at their subject; the new classmates: each was a personality, each tried to reach the best; the first student book for mark, which was not yet nor beside who from your school friends; and, certainly, session 2 sessions a year. We were the students of the school age, named college pupil.

Everything was new there. The profound studding of mathematic, physic, informatic, foreign languages turned out to be not so difficult, because education in college was not only in the studding exact and humanitarian subjects.Quit often, the college day was finished with the rehearsal of college holidays: Debut, Initiation into college pupil, KVN, The Day of College.

Why speciality the Automatic System of Control?

I liked informatics in college very much. I am grateful for this teacher Zabiyako Lidiya Mihaylovna. Here, after 3 years in physico-mathematical class, I decided to enter to the speciality of the Automatic System of Control (ASC) of the Computer information technology and automations faculty (CITA) in the university, which named that time Donetsk state technical university (DSTU).

Why is Donetsk state technical university? Because it is one of the most old and famous university of our country, the diploma of which is quoted in all countries of C.I.S. and even a broad. I had a demonstrative example of my parents, which graduated this university.

Why is the faculty of Computer information technology and automations? Because it is one of the prestigious faculties of DSTU, which graduates are always claimed.

Why is the speciality the Automatic System of Control? I always liked exact science, I liked computer technologies.

But before entering the university I knew that I will not stop and get second speciality - the economic one.

The Choice is made!

I graduated DTC with honoure. In September 2000 I became a student of the Donetsk state technical university, because in February-April I passed the rating successful.

I still remember my first student day, my first lecture. It was a subject of the higher mathmatics and lecturer was Degtyarev Valeriy Stepanovich with his rhetorical question "What is the speciality ASC?". Nobody could answer it clearly.

So, the students of ASC 2000 began gradually to get the answer to Degtyaryov’s question, lerning necessary subjects. I can’t say that it was easy. I consider that the person sjould be diversified. That’s why I began to study the german language and improve my english.

One my mark achievements in the university is the reception of diploma of the bachelor with honours . In 2004 I have realized the second my purpose - I have entered in International University of Finances to the speciality of Finances.

Master`s work

In this university I have got the profound knowledges in the field of computer scienc and finance. And now I want to confirm them with my master’s work on subject "Development of the expertmanagerial system of the commercial bank financial resources control ".

My supervisor is Zhukova Tamara Porfirievna. She is a brilliant person and an excellent specialist. She always finds a minute for me , listens attentively and gives good advice.

The Subject of my master’s work "Development of the expertmanagerial system of the commercial bank financial resources control" is very actual at the this moment, because the question of the improvement and introduction new bank technology is particularly important for modern Ukrainian bank sphere, and it is necessary to look at it with the position of the scientific knowledges, using modern achievements in science and practice. Using the computer technology on based on the modern achievements in science will allow effectively to use the financial facility of the commercial bank and get maximum profit, providing the liquidity of the bank.

I like this sphere of activity very much, and I hope that I will be able to reach the great success in this field.

Several words about future...

Looking to the future, we understand that using computer technology in all sphere of the human life becomes all more and more actual. On faculty of the CITA in all years was prestigious learn, the interest to profession of this faculty constantly grows, specialists of this faculty are claimed. For computer technology - future, but this signifies, as future - both for profession of the faculty of the CITA, and for their graduate!!

As to my plans for future I’m going to work in this field even after my master's thesis will be finished. I want to pass the post-graduate course and make my own contribution to science.

At the present moment it is very important for me to receive the prestige work which demands the analytical and research activity. I’d like to realize all my knowledge and obtain a promotion in the field of financial processes analytics. And I’m ready to work hard for reaching my goals.

I think that person shouldn’t stop after reaching one of the aims put by. It is necessary to move forward, set another aims and try to reach them again.

Answering the question about the vision of my future in 25 years I can say the following: “My future will be happy…I will be surrounded with loving people, and I’ll gain everything”


DonNTU Masters of DonNTU Search system of DonNTU

© 2005 Gusakova E.A.
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