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Kaluiszhny Alexandr Urievich

Donetsk national technical university

Faculty: "Mechanical"

Speciality: "Technology of mashinbuilding"

Master's work: ”Increase of efficiency of grinding of products from a stone at the expense of use of the combined way one of tool processing”

Science chief: Gorobets Igor Alexeevich

I was born on January 15, 1983 in Gorlovka of Donetsk area, in miner’s family. My family large and friendly, I love it very much. I have younger brother and sister, they are twins. My father, Uriy Myhailovich, grown in Gorlovka. He graduated an industrial technical school, after which termination works for mine.

My mother, Nina Victorowna, was born in Vinnitsa’s area. She arrived to Gorlowka to study. Now she works as the chief-cook in cafe. Ura and Ulya (my brother and sister) were born on February 10, 1988. They have ended school successfully and at present time they study in technical schools.

In 1989 I have gone to the first class of school ¹60. Studied well, basically it were „4”. My favorites lessons at school were physics and physical culture. Since school years I love to play in football, and in the sixth class I has entered the name on section of football. Since then this kind of sports became my main hobby.

I leaved school in 1998, after that I have acted in machine-building college on mechanical faculty. The most ridiculous for me that I of concept had no, what is a speciality such, technologist. Well, and during study, I have understood, as far as this trade is close to me. On that is some reasons: from school I very much didn’t like „useless work ”, which consist in rewriting the texts, writing of the compositions. I don’t like to count a plenty of figures peculiar to the economists or the bookkeepers. I like intellectual and physical work, with achievement is concrete object in views, work, which doesn’t vanish without advantage. From childhood I have helped to my father to repair the car. Since then I found interest to engineering and mechanics. The studding in college was pleasant to me. The good teachers and excellent collective of our group promoted this. Studying in college, I continued to be engaged in football, as has allowed me to occupy a place in structure modular GMK (greatest achievement in which there were 3 places on a championship of area among educational institutions). On the third rate, I have ended rates in a driving school, has received the rights of a category „ÂÑ”.

In 2002 I ended diploma the college with the „red”, and I was automatically transferred at once to the third rate of mechanical faculty of Donetsk national technical university. In time of studding at university, I has met difficulties as to live it was necessary in have given from houses. The student's life in DonNTU is pleasant for me, as at us cheerful and friendly group. At university I have tried to study not worse, than in college. I participated in conferences. On the fifth rate I has taken part in the seventh All-Russia scientific conference of the students and post-graduate students, in which I was carried out in Taganrog. Acting with the report on SIWS. It’s chief was Gorobets Igor Alexeevich, I was awarded with the diploma II of a degree. My chef is the man with who pleasantly to communicate and to work. He never refuse in the help and he is able to adjust on work.

In 2004 passed the state examinations and received the bachelor's degree with distinction, and has continued training in master’s school.

Now I’m work on my master’s work, which theme is connected to my previous works on SIWS: ”Increase of efficiency of grinding of products from a stone at the expense of use of the combined way one of tool processing”.

In my life, besides football one of my more favorite hobby is fishing. I prefer catching on fishing tackles and spinning.

When I end studying in DonNTU my plans do not include the further studying in post-graduate, as I plan to find well-paid job on manufacture, if it is probably on a speciality. I think it is probably, now there is growth of machine building is at present observed, and our specialty becomes claimed and opens ample opportunities of the further development of the this branch.