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Кикалов В.С.

Vladimir S. Kikalov

Donetsk National Technical University
Faculty Mechanical
Profession "Mechanical equipment of black metallurgy plants"
Group МЕХ-00а

     E-Mail: crowler@mail.ru



Subject: Development of the expert system of recognition of the damaged elements in metallurgical machines

Chief: assistant professor Sidorov V.A.

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I was born 08 October 1982 in Donetsk. Regrettably there are no memories about early childhood. The only I remember is how the standard child has went to children yard, took place in morning shows and played as Grey Wolf. In 1989 has entered Donetsk Secondary School N60, where I proved to be capable and clever pupil. I always prefer technical sciences humanitarian, because of the built of my thinking requires exact and systematic knowledge. In 1991 I went to the Donetsk Secondary School N69. There due to the possibilities tried to participate school and regional Olympiads in different subjects, occupied the prize places.I actively took care about public activity. In class I proved to be clever and well-read man, was always ready to help my friends in questions which were in my competency.
From the childhood my parents grafted to me a love for books and reading. I appreciate them! In that time as my pals played football in garden, I read books. I raged with new technologies, what become into the rage with computers. In age 10 I have mate with the basis of computer knowledge. In age 14 began to study programming. Studied Pascal, Basic, Visual Basic by myself. Then my attention was attracted by another branch of informatics technologies - databases. I started to study intensively SQL and methods of program data processing. So, till 1997 I understand that I need to change the Institute, because the school became boring and uninteresting. In 1997 I has entered Donetsk Technical College, where I took an active part in technical Dept. of Minor Academy of Sciences. Took part in Soros chemistry Olympiad.
I took part in different conferences concerned informatic technologies. As other my pals wasn't ideal and also liked to joke, making teachers surprised with "speaking" programs, which say about deleted information from the system, etc. So, Donetsk Technical College was like a fertile ground, where I grew as a personality.
It was time to enter High School. I successfully went through rating exams, in 2000 I have entered Donetsk National Technical University on the Mechanical faculty under the profession "Mechanical equipment of black metallurgy plants" In 2004 I have received the diploma of bachelor in that profession, having the average result 4.75. Further study I continued in the magistrate by the same profession. Simultaneously I received knowledge and experience on the military cathedra, which after graduation the rank of lieutenant has been assigned. While studying I took part in Electrotechnical and another Olympiads quite often occupied the prize places and student thematic conferences. In co authority with the students and teachers I have issued 4 articles concerning software development for intensification of the scholastic process and making the modules of the expert recognition systems of the bearing damage reasons.
Most of all I would like to highlight such products as "Bearing reference book", which one is like an electronic bearing catalogue. This software allows to select the bearing depend on definite or indefinite criteria. It is also necessary to underline the software named "Malfunctions album", which is a training program with main target of staff training and simplification of decisions concerning details defects recognition in metallurgical equipment.
At the moment there is an expert system of recognition of metallurgical equipment damages under development, which one became a ground of my magistrate work. (Chief - ass. Proff. Sidorov V.A.)
When telling about other interests, I can highlight my passion to the automobiles. Because of it I get a B-category driver license in 17. I like books, sincerely don't belong with TV and pop-culture. Think that TV only makes the society degraded, decreases a human cultural level and result a personal degradation of each. Another reason is that it is grounds on low instincts and puts human down to the animal level. I like music, preferring rock (Creedens), but 'm don't squeamish about another genres. The main slogan of my life is "When you doing something, do it well, or don't touch it at all!"
The cathedra in charge is developing the progressive matters in metallurgical sector such as:
New design and improvement of present metallurgical equipment;
Development of technologic processes and equipment for out-stove processing of metallurgical melts;
Design and audit of repair service structure;
Improvement and automatization of organizing problems of the repair service;
Metallurgical equipment's diagnostic an balancing without disassembling;
Technology design of reparation act;
Serviceability of the equipment.
In the future environment of tempestuous informatic technologies development I think that cathedra will put its attention on the automatization processes, optimization of the present schemes of reparative service management. When talking about my magistrate work Chief, I would like to underline that V.Sidorov is a high-class specialist in the field of metallurgical units diagnostic. By means of vibrato-measurement, visual inspection etc., he realizes the condition check of the unit without its disassembling. It results a significant reduction of repair service expenses. Man cannot refuse the perceptiveness of such work then.
Logical continue of those works is diagnostic automatization and expert knowledge formalization, what is my magistrate work ground. So, in future, I hope that urgency of the work will go up. That design allows relieving the decision making by minor - and middle management staff of enterprises. This will in turn enlarge the capacity of the separate crews, as well as will raise the theoretical set of the performers' knowledge

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