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Donetsk National Technical University Lagoda Vitaliy

Lagoda Vitaliy

Faculty: Energomechanical and Automation

Speciality: Hydraulic and pneumatic machines

Theme of master's work: Establishment of rational parametres of hydropulsing device that ensures effectiveness increase of useful minerals extraction

Leader of work: Candidate of Technical Science, Assistant Professor Kolomiyets Valeriy

Materials on the theme of master's work: Abstract | Links | Library | Report about the search


Curriculum vitae

Name:                         Lagoda Vitaliy
Date of Birth:                11 February 1984
Nationality:                  Ukrainian

2001 to present:              Donetsk National Technical University
2005:                         Degree of Bachelor of Engineering Mechanics
1991-2001:                    Secondary school
1991-1996:                    Musical school

Winter of 2005-2006:          Two-month training period with 
                              Yasinovataya Machine-building plant,
                              Technical department

Summer of 2004:               One-month training period with 
                              Yasinovataya Machine-building plant, 
                              Technical department

Hobby:                        Music, cinema

Fluent Russian, Ukrainian, a little English.
I have an operational experience with the computer (Microsoft Excel,
Microsoft Word, Microsoft Power Point, Kompas).

DonNTU> Master's portal | Abstract | Links | Report about the search