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Магистр ДонНТУ Шинкаренко Валерия Сергеевна
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Valeria Shynkarenko

Master of Computer Science Faculty

Theme master's dissertation:

"The analysis of an audience and forecasting of attendance the Internet resource"

Scientific supervisor : Averin G.V.

Birth date: 25 of March 1984.

Since 2001 have been studying at "Computer ecologic-econimical monitoring" speciality.

In 2005 got the bachelor's degree in computer science.

Since 2005 was studying as a candidate to master's degree in computer science.

Hold trainship during 6 months in PZL-Swidnik company (Poland, 2005-2006).

Complete biography

E-mail: lerika@ukr.net
ICQ: 265642431
LJ: lerika.livejournal.com
DonNTU> Master's portal of DonNTU