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Войтенко Сергей Аркадьевич

Voytenko Sergiy Arkadiyovich

Department: Computer engineering

Speciality: Computer systems and networks


Subject of masters work:

Use UML in designing finite state machines

Teacher: Zelenyova Irina Yakovlevna


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Personal Information

Date of birth:  13 April 1984.
Marital status:  unmarried.
Citizenship:  Ukraine.

Languages:  Russian (native language), Ukrainian (native language), English - intermediate level, can speak, write and read in English (including technical literature).

Education:   Bachelor of Science (in field Computer Engineering), 2005 Donetsk National Technical University , Donetsk, Ukraine. I shall receive a degree of the master in December, 2006.

Awards:  hit in 10 best (TopTen) in allukrainian to Olympiad on high technologies in the field of C/C ++ under aegis Aldec in 2005.

Personal qualities:   sociable, I am easily and quickly trained, responsible, purposeful, fair, openhearted.

Professional skills

I possess following skills and knowledge:

Java (experience 1 year):    standard language (I have certificate Brainbench), applets, servlets, JSP, Swing, midlets (J2ME), I have skills of work with environments of development Eclipse, NetBeans, JBuilderX.

C/C++ (experience 4 years):    standard language C, the extended syntax language C ++, STL, Borland VCL, Borland CLX, Qt, WinApi, I have skills of work with environments of development Visual Studio .NET, Builder C++ Builder.

Web-technologies (experience 3 years):    markup languages HTML, XML, I have skill of programming on JavaScript, I have basic knowledge PHP, I have skills of work with MySQL, experience of installation and adjustment of Web-servers.

Computer-aided software testing (experience 1 year):   basic theoretical fundamentals of functional and structural testing, JUnit, skills of the automated testing of graphic interfaces (with use of qftestJUI).

Delphi (experience 5 years):    Object Pascal, I have a wide experience of use VCL a component, uses COM and DCOM technologies in Delphi.

Computer-aided engineeringt of digital devices (experience 2 years):    theoretical bases, languages of the description of devices VHDL, Verilog, skills of testing and verification, I have skills of work with Active HDL environments and Synplify.


I was born on 13 April, 1984 in Donetsk. In childhood I had no special talents. At the age of four I started to attend kindergarten. In 1990 I went to primary school №30 in Donetsk. The first class I attended without leaving the territory of the kindergarten. In 1993 my school was renamed to Donetsk Experimental Association of School Modules.

At school my progress grew better from year to year. Since the ninth form I was an excellent pupil. In 2001 I left school with a golden medal (my grade point average - 11.4). During my school years I took part in many contests in different subjects. I was really good at mathematics, physics and computer science. From the eighth form and further on I always occupied first places in city contests in mathematics and physics. Only once, in the eighth form, I occupied the second place in the regional contest in mathematics. In the eleventh form I took part in the contest in computer science, and, as a result, I took part in the regional contest in the same subject.

At school I was interested mostly in computers and football. I became interested in football during the World Cup in 1994. To my great regret, I had never attended sports clubs, but I played football eagerly and very often. During the lessons of computer science in the seventh form I got interested in programming. My first platform was ES1841, the language of programming - Basic. My first programs were to draw ships and cars on the screen of the monitor with the screen resolution 640*200. My first program that I wrote under the influence of my own wish was a program for the calculating machine MK-52, which found plain numbers in the given interval. This program turned out to be very useful for me during one of the contests in mahtematics. In 2000 I became owner of the computer of my own. By that time I was already not bad at writing programs in Pascal. The best program I wrote at school was an educational system, which gave sums in mathematics for the third form and showed different animations in accordance with the accuracy of their solution.

In the tenth form I started thinking about my future profession. The choice was made rather quickly. I wanted to be a programmer. It was motivated by my interest for computers, good knowledge in mathematics and the prestige of this profession. As for the choice of the university, it was rather accidental, than well-planned. For a long time I was preparing myself for the speciality "applied mathematics" in Donetsk National University. But because of the absence of rating exams in this University I tried to enter Donetsk National Technical University (speciality "computer systems and networks"). At the first exam I occupied the seventh place, which was enough to enter the university, and after the second exam I was the fifth. So, after school exams I just enjoyed my summer vacation.

Studies at the university began for me on the first of September, on Saturday. My first class at the university was aboutdifferent cultures of the world. As for my impressions from the first day, I was surprised to see, that nobody seemed to care about the first of September, which had always been a holiday at school. The first semester on the whole I remember well mostly owing to such a subject as engineering graphics and especially to getting a credit for it. The task was to draw lots of projections and sections of figures and details under the constant control of the teacher. I was lucky to do everything correct and after two hours of non-stop drawing I received an excellent mark. For me it was the most difficult subject in the first semester, though the only good mark I received in physics.

Further studies at the university went on without any problems. All the test periods I managed to pass in time and without debts, though before some of them it seemed impossible. According to the marks of all test periods my grade point average is 4.63. After the fourth year and state exam, where I received an excellent mark, I got an opportunity to get the Master of Sciences degree free of charge.


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