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Master Sobolev Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Autobiografy

  I was born on 31.12.1983 in Donetsk.

  It is possible to say that I am acquiring higher education for the second time, because when I was born my parents were students of the second course of DPI and often took me with themselves to the classes.

  After graduating from the institute my parents moved to Dzerzhinsk where I grew up. From 1990 to 2001 I studied at Kirovskaya comprehensive school 11. My favorite subject was "Pravovedenie".

  In 2000 I did a course of driving and got the driving license of category VS.

  2000-2001 was a critical period in my life. I had to choose my future profession. There were several ideas: Gorlovska Avtodorozhnyy Institute, Donetsk National University (the economy-legal direction) and Donetsk State Technical University (the economic direction). Mathematics was one of the entrance examination to all of them. My knowledge in mathematics was not very good. I had to prepare in addition. During the preparation I was advised the speciality "Landdevising and cadastre", as interesting and perspective. I choose exactly this specialty. After the test I entered DonNTU on speciality "Landdevising and cadastre", department "Geoinformatics and geodesy".

  The first course was (as probably for majority of the students) the heaviest - an adaptation to everything new, different from school. Having studied certain time, I became to show the special interest to landdevising, land right, estimation of the land and premises etc. As a result my research work was dedicated to expert money estimation and using GIS-technology in this sphere. Assistant professor of the department "Geoinformatics and geodesy" Germonova E.A. became the leader of my work.

  In 2003-2005 I did a training course at the Military department of DonNTU.

  After exams on the fourth course I got bachelor's degree. I had my practical training in firm "Servitut". I acquired the main professional skills exactly in this organization.

  At present I am working as a landdeviser in firm "Zemelnoye upravleniye in Donetsk", where I am going to remain after graduation from the university.

  I have decided to do master's degree course because I am going to continue the scientific studies in sphere of the estimation of land. As a result the theme of my work is "The methods of remote education of students in the field of landdevising and estimations of premises in Ukraine".

  In future I am going to continue the work in sphere of landdevising and to finish courses of land estimation.