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Donetsk National Technical University Kiselyov Alexander Yurievich

Kiselyov Alexander Yurievich

Faculty: Computer Information Technologies and Automatics

Speciality: Control Systems and Automatics

Theme of master's work:

Usage of the wavelet analysis method to control the technical state of the piston compressors

Leader of work: Degtyarenko Ilya Vyacheslavovich


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My middle mark in the period of studies in university is 4.73. I'm good in russian and ukrainian. I can read and write in english. I have an expirience in working as engineer in field of modernization of metalurgical productions. I am fond of computer games.

Short biography:


I was born on August, 31, 1984 in Lugansk. My parents – Kiselyov Jury Petrovich and Kiselyova Natalia Vasiljevna, the senior brother - Kiselyov Michael Jurjevich. Since the childhood mum was engaged in my education. My mother had a lot of free time so she brought me up herself and I didn't go to kindergarten. These young years I tried to search to myself for an example for imitation which for me became my senior brother.


But on September, 1, 1990 there has come time to go in school. And I have gone to the first class of high school ¹ 44 cities of Lugansk. In study I differed assiduity which was imparted to me by parents, competed with schoolmates for quantity of the received good marks, behaved approximately and had no censures on the part of teachers. In 1993 my father has received a new apartment in Donetsk and we all family have moved on a new residence. Here I have acted in 3 class of high school ¹13. Studied practically perfectly well, participated in regional Olympiads on physics, mathematics, chemistry and occupied prize-winning places. When I graduated 8 class I took a decision to enter liceum "Intellect". Successfully having handed over entrance examinations, I have been enlisted in honourable numbers of liceum students. I consider this three years I spet in the liceum the best in my life. I found there a lot of good friends and got a strong base of knowledge. Having graduated in 2001 liceum with a silver medal I have faced a problem of a choice of high school.


After some doubt I have stopped the choice on a speciality "Control Systems and Automatics" faculty of "Computer Information Technologies and Automatics" DonNTU. I succsesfuly passed my exams and entered DonNTU. I liked students' life and spent a lot of time studying. On a third course my leader of work bacame Degtyarenko Ilya Vjacheslavovich. He has offered me as a theme of scientifically research work use the method of wavelet analysis in vibrodiagnostics. I liked this problem very much and began to work on it. In 2005 I succsesfuly passed state exams and got a bachelor's degree. Same summer I got a job in research-and-production association "DONIX". I used a lot of my expirience I got in university to work on them. After that I continued studying.

Future plans

At present I plan to continue my masters' work, successfully to hand over session and to achieve successes in work. I'd also like to visit another country, because I've never been abroad.

The long-term future I'd like to dedicate with scientific work in the field of information technologies and to receive a scientific degree. Also I dream to take part in development of computer games.

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