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Donetsk National Technical University Lyudmila A. Pryadko

Lyudmila A. Pryadko

Faculty: Of computer information technologies and automation

Speciality: Telecommunication systems and networks

Theme of master's work:

"The optimization of the telecommunication network for working in a region with the low rate of population"

Leader of work: Dr. Ing. of Computer Science Victor V. Turupalov

Materials on the theme of master's work: Abstract | Library | Links | Report about the search | Individual task



My name is Lyudmila A. Pryadko. I was born on January 19, 1984 in Snezhnoje town. The mean score during studing at university is 4.97. I have a perfect command of Russian and Ukrainian languages. I know English in intermediate level. My hobby is the adviser of beauty in company Mary Kay. My parents are Aleksandr V. Pryadko and Lyudmila V. Pryadko. They are well educated and now work in the coal industry. My sister, Ann, in future will be a student of DonNTU.


It turned out so that until I was five I was brought up by my grandparents while my parents were working and settling in Krasnoarmeysk. I was a very calm child. I liked drawing and doing puppet-plays very much. I also attended a flourist group.


After moving to Krasnoarmeysk I started to go to school namber 2 and was quite successful there. Maths was my favorite subject due to our teacher who could teach us in a very exciting way. The pupils in our class were very friendly and cute and our ten-years study resulted with 9 gold medals. But I was among those pupils who got silver medals. The matter was that I disliked physical training lessons in school although I like sport very much. It was the first term of the eleven’s form when I got a “4” in physical training. And only this prevented me from getting gold medal which was given only to those pupils who had only excellent marks during 9, 10 and 11 forms. Then it was very unpleasant but now it doesn’t matter. Nevertheless, silver medal gave me an opportunity to enter the university by passing an interview.


Thus, I started a new period in my life – studying in Donetsk National Technical University the speciality of telecommunications. The reason I have chosen exactly this university was that my parents were also studying there. And the choice of the speciality was made by myself because it is a new and perspective direction.

During our first year in the university I was very much impressed by everything new – new subjects, new lecturers, and many new people. But that time passed fast.

Most of the students in our group were boys and only 10 (and later 8) girls among them. I held one of the leading positions on our spesiality. Since the first year I have been the head of our group.

How wonderful and exciting the student’s life is! There are so many different subjects and lecturers, there are libraries and canteens, and also there are many new friends who later became the part of my life.

About my Master's work

But let’s get to the main. Point my scientific leader and me have started working over the master’s work “The optimization of the telecommunication network for working in a region with the low rate of population”. In this work an old telephone network is being replaced by the new wireless network with the DECT technology. It is a very actual problem as in the most cases the rural infrastructure is outdated and requires modernization. The wireless system is reliable, more easier in use, it doesn’t depend on the link length and on the state of the environment comparing to the old system.

About my future

The most important thing is to complete the Master Degree and, of course, to find a job where I could apply my knowledge and get a good experience. Also I want to realize myself as a person and as a professional. My dream - to travel Europe. Certain, I know, that behind Europe in the world are many interesting places, but for this time I want to begin my travel geography from Europe. It is important, for all what I want, will be enough health, money and a free time.

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