Nabil Simaan

Analysis and Synthesis of Parallel Robots for Medical Applications



July 99

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        Parallel manipulation is relatively a new field in robotics. The development in this field intensified during the last two decades; however, there are still unsolved problems to be investigated in this field. These problems include kinematic modeling and synthesis of new parallel architectures and singularity analysis. The solution of the forward kinematics of a general 6 DOF fully parallel manipulator is only three years old and the first example of a general 6 DOF fully parallel manipulator with 40 real solutions is only one year old. Although during the last decade there were many attempts for implementation of parallel robots, the full merits of these architectures were not fully understood and exploited.

        Robot assisted surgery is also a new trend of development in surgery. Assimilating a robotic assistant in the surgical arena as an additional smart and precise tool bears numerous advantages. These advantages include broadening the capabilities of the surgeon in performing precise procedures and uplifting the burden of routine tasks. The intrinsic characteristics of parallel robots are discussed in this work and shown to suit the requirements of a robotic assistant better than the characteristics of serial robots.

        Based on these facts, we aim our work towards developing a mini parallel robot for medical applications and exploring new parallel architectures. The work presents a taskoriented synthesis and design of a mini parallel robot for medical applications. Two robotic architectures (the RSPR and the USR robots), which are modifications of known structures, are presented in detail and compared in terms of required actuator forces, minimal dimensions, workspace, and practical design considerations. The work includes type and dimensional synthesis for the suggested architectures, Jacobian formulation, and singularity analysis for a class of non-fully parallels robots.

        The Jacobian formulation presented in this work provides a method for classifying the non-fully parallel robots and grouping several architectures in families with common Jacobian formulation and singularity analysis. In particular, the formulation presented here groups 14 non-fully parallel robots into one family. This formulation also shows that all these 14 manipulators share the same parallel singularities due to a tripod mechanism common to all these manipulators. The singularity analysis and Jacobian formulation are based on geometrical understanding of the system, thus, providing easy method for physical interpretation of singularities and deducing conclusions regarding possible elimination of singularities by altering the geometrical characteristics of the robots.

        The comparison between the USR and the RSPR robots shows that the RSPR robot better suits the procedure in hand than the USR robot in terms of smaller required actuator forces. The singularity analysis highlights an additional advantage of the RSPR over the USR robot in terms of having less singular configurations.

        Based on the results of the comparison and the dimensional synthesis we constructed a prototype of a medical robotic assistant. We also implemented position control and wrote the control program that allows activating the prototype in a Master-Slave mode. This prototype features a new parallel architecture based on the RSPR concept, low weight, compactness, and accuracy. These characteristics promise successful future implementation of this prototype for laparoscope manipulation and knee surgery.

        Three robotic architectures

        The three basic robot architectures are:
a) Serial architecture
b) Parallel architecture
c) Hybrid architecture.

The serial architecture

This is the classical anthropomorphic architecture for robot manipulators, Fig. 1.1. In this architecture, the output link is connected to the base link by a single open loop kinematic chain. The kinematic chain is composed from a group of rigid links where each pair of adjacent links are interconnected by an active kinematic pair (controlled joint).

        Serial manipulators feature a large work volume and high dexterity, but suffer from several inherent disadvantages. These disadvantages include low precision, poor force exertion capability and low payload-to-weight ratio, motors that are not located at the base, large number of moving parts leading to high inertia. The low precision of these robots stems from cumulative joint errors and deflections in the links. The low payload-to-weight ratio stems form the fact that every actuator supports the weight of the successor links. The high inertia is due to the large number of moving parts that are connected in series, thus, forming long beams with high inertia.

        Another disadvantage of serial manipulators is the existence of multiple solutions to the inverse kinematics problem. The inverse kinematics problem is defined as finding the required values of the active joints that correspond to a desired position and orientation of the output link. The solution of the inverse kinematic problem is a basic control algorithm in robotics; therefore, the existence of multiple solutions to the inverse kinematics problem complicates the control algorithm. The direct kinematics problem of serial manipulators has simple and single-valued solution. However, this solution is not required for control purposes. The direct kinematics problem is defined as calculating the position and orientation of the output link for a given set of active joints’ values.

        The low precision and payload-to-weigh ratio lead to expensive serial robots utilizing extremely accurate gears and powerful motors. The high inertia disadvantage prevents the use of serial robots for applications requiring high accelerations and agility, such as flight simulation and very fast pick and place tasks.

The parallel architecture

        This non-anthropomorphic architecture for robot manipulators, although known for a century, was developed mainly during the last two decades. This architecture is composed of an output link connected to a base link by several kinematic chains, Fig 1.2. Motion of the output link is achieved by simultaneous actuation of the kinematic chains’ extremities. Similarly, the load carried by the output link is supported by the various kinematic chains; therefore, this architecture is referred to as parallel architecture. In contrast with the openchain serial manipulator, the parallel architecture is composed of closed kinematic chains only and every kinematic chain includes both active and passive kinematic pairs.

        Parallel manipulators exhibit several advantages and disadvantages. The disadvantages of the parallel manipulators are limited work volume, low dexterity, complicated direct kinematics solution, and singularities that occur both inside and on the envelope of the work volume. However, the parallel architecture provides high rigidity and high payload-to-weight ratio, high accuracy, low inertia of moving parts, high agility, and simple solution for the inverse kinematics problem. The fact that the load is shared by several kinematic chains results in high payload-to-weight ratio and rigidity. The high accuracy stems from sharing, not accumulating, joint errors.

        Based on the advantages and disadvantages of parallel robots it can be concluded that the best suitable implementations for such robots include requirements for limited workspace, high accuracy, high agility, and a lightweight and a compact robot. These ideal implementations exploit both the disadvantages and advantages of the parallel architecture.

The hybrid architecture

        The combination of both open and closed kinematic chains in a mechanism leads to a third architecture, which is referred to as the hybrid architecture. This architecture combines both advantages and disadvantages of the serial and parallel mechanisms. Fig. 1.3 presents an example of a hybrid manipulator constructed from two parallel manipulators connected in series.

Fully parallel and non-fully parallel manipulators

        There are two major categories of parallel robots. These categories are the fully parallel robots, and the non-fully parallel robots. The distinction between these categories is based on the following definition. This definition is the same as the one presented in [Chablat and Wenger, 1998].

        A fully parallel manipulator is a parallel mechanism satisfying the following conditions:

1) The number of elementary kinematic chains equals the relative mobility (connectivity) between the base and the moving platform.
2) Every kinematic chain possesses only one active joint.
3) All the links in the kinematic chains are binary links, i.e. no segment of an elementary kinematic chain can be linked to more than two bodies.

        Based on the solution multiplicity of the inverse kinematics problem this limiting definition can be summarized as follows. A fully parallel manipulator has one and only one solution to the inverse kinematics problem. Any parallel manipulator with multiple solutions for the inverse kinematics problem is a non-fully parallel manipulator.