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Master's DonNTU RUDINA Irina Anatol'evna

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RUDINA Irina Anatol'evna

Donetsk national technical university

Faculty: "Mechanical"

Speciality: "Technology of mashinbuilding"

Master's work: "Technological providing of quality of flat surfaces taking into account operating properties"

Science chief: associate professor, Cand.of Tech.Sc. IVCHENKO Tatiyana Georgievna

        Resume: Made off the machine-building college,in Gorlovka, on speciality "Technology of machine-building". For 3 years of teaching passed the "Gorlovskyy machine-building plant" to the practical worker on Joint-stock COMPANY, where familiarized with his structure produced products. During production practice got speciality of turner of 2th digit. In the process of teaching I mastered the drawing-designer system COMPASS-GRAPH. By given I executed SAPRa graphic part of term papers in an electronic variant. On this stage I master the educational version ANSYS. Got skills of work in MathCAD, Teflex, Gemma 3D. I possess skill of rapid typing - blind tenfinger method. Presently in the second half of day I work as a consultant on consumer credit-side in the "RODOVYD bank". I feel in itself organizational capabilities, and consider that I not bad understand people. I think that these descriptions will play a role in my future. I dream to be engaged in business which will be of use and pleasure.

I was born on 26-th April, 1982 in Gorlovka, Donetsk region. I'm grateful for this event to my parents. My family is: father, mother, my sister and I. I think it is necessary to tell a little about my family. My parents - my father, Pjankov Anatoliy Petrovich and mother, Pjankova Tatiyana Pavlovna, - are usual workers. They both have a specialized secondary education. My dear mother is a very good, nice, gentle, tender person, and I love her very much. My father worked for 16 years in a mine, and then he stopped working because of a disability. My parents were not strict to me; they never punished me when I was a schoolgirl. I have a sister Ljubov, she is six years younger than me. She studies in a machine-building college, in Gorlovka, on a mechanical faculty.

When I was two years old my parents sent me to a nursary school. I was a very active child, unusual for my age. At the age of three I started to visit a kindergarten “Rosinka”. My first very pleasant memories are connected with the years which I spend there. Here I acquired the first friends, and felt as a part of a team.

At the age of seven, in 1989, I went to the first class of a comprehensive school N18, where I studied up to the 9-th class. My first teacher, Dudinova Larysa Ivanovna, taught me such concepts as friendship, respect for grown-ups. She tried to open and develop talents in each pupil. The lessons passed cheerfully and interestingly with Larysa Ivanovna that is why they were easily acquired. At school I showed myself to be apt to study. I took parts in school statements of performances, and I also sang in a choir, and participated in sports competitions. In senior forms I became interested in such subjects as: biology, chemistry, history. That encouraged me to enter the lyceum with a medical bias.

At first it was difficult enough, because everybody knew each other, but I accustomed soon. Our class tutor, Goldobina Larysa Andreyevna, was a bright teacher. It was possible to envy her for her vital energy. For every student she was like a «mountain» which protected him. Thanks to her we tried to take an active part in all competitions. For everything she did for us, we called her «mother Lara».

In 2000 I entered easily «Treatment of metals on metal-cutting machine-tools and automatic transfer lines» acted in a machine-building college, in Gorlovka on speciality. A new stage in my life began - student life. Our group tutor, Katyukova Ljubov Michaelovna, helped us to adapt in a new environment. It was possible to ask for her advice or help any time. I liked studying at college. Good teachers and excellent group-mates were very helpful in it. At college I was the head of my group for three years, that gave me greater confidence in myself and in communication with people. Besides studying, I took an active part in all cultural activities. In a college the subject «Technology of machine-building » was the most interesting and enthralling discipline and this was due to a wonderful teacher Katyukova Ljubov Michaelovna. In general there was a remarkable teaching staff, with which teaching passed interestingly and quickly. I took part in scientific conferences, where I delivered reports.

2003 year was an exciting year for me. I got married Rudin Maxim Alexanderdovich. Since the first moments of my married life Max has surrounded me with the love and anxiety, and today he is my standby and support in life. That year I finished GMK, got a diploma with an excellence and in accordance with an agreement between DonNTU and GMK «Technology of machine-building» I entered the third course of a mechanical faculty on speciality. Many students from our group in college also entered the university. When I came to a new group, I didn’t know, how my group-mates would treat me, but everybody appeared to he amicable and cheerful, and we quickly became friends. We quickly found common language. At the university I tried to study not worse, than in a college.

In 2005 I successfully passed my state examinations at DonNTU and got the bachelor's degree diploma with honours, and now I am continuing the further education, and taking my master's degree.

The theme of my master's degree work is: «Technological providing of quality of flat surfaces taking into account operating properties». I am dealing with this question under the supervision of an associate professor, Cand. of Tech.Sc. Ivchenko Tatiyana Georgievna.

In the nearest future, I hope to write and defend perfectly the master's degree work. After graduating of a master's degree programme, I would like to find a worthy application of the received knowledge, to be useful to the society. I think it can be a reality, because a growth of machine building is now being observed, and our specialty is becoming required and opens wide opportunities for the further development of this branch.

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