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Masters of DonNTU Kovalenko Katerina Victorovna

Kovalenko Katerina Victorovna

Faculty: Electrotechnical

Speciality: Power plants

Subject of final job: "The Research of Voltage Overload in the net with the isolated neutral terminal"

The head: Cand.Tech.Sci., the lecturer of faculty "Power plant" Lebedev V.K..


The creative biography

The childhood

I was born on November, 13, 1984 in the city of Makeyevka of Donetsk area.

My father is Grabovetsky Victor Borisovich, gas electrician, "Donbasstermo".

My mum is Grabovetskaja Lubov Mihailovna, the engineer-technologist, Donetsk management USEPC (the Ukrainian state enterprise of post communication) "Ukraine Post Office".

My brother is Grabovetsky Vitally Viktorovich, the captain of internal service, senior engineer DMaM (a department of manufacture and marketing), MDSUQPP (management of a department of state of Ukraine on questions of performance of punishments) Donetsk area, is married.

At the age of 5 I learned to read. My favorite book was S.JA.Marshak "Poems for children", and my favorite verse was "Lady handed over luggage". I liked to read it before dream.

Younger school

In 1991 I went to comprehensive school of ¹94 in the town of Makeyevka. My first teacher was Valentine Mihailovna. She managed to cause my interest to knowledge, persistence, and diligence. All these qualities help in achievement of the purpose.

In 3-rd class I went to children musical school of ¹3 in the town of Makeyevka on specialty "The Piano".

In 5-th class I decided to pass to other school. It was comprehensive school ¹18 in the town of Makeyevka.

At new school, as well as in old, I studied perfectly, passed in each class with the creditable letter.

The senior classes

In the senior classes I took an active participation in regional and city competitions in various subjects. I took prize-winning places.

My organizing and leader qualities were shown and at new school. I was the head of the class, headed student's self-management of school and took part in conferences of student's self-management at a level of city and area. All school holidays (Day of the teacher, on March, 8, a CMC, etc.) too did not do without my participation.


I finished school in 2002 with a gold medal. I decided to enter on Electrotechnical faculty of DonNTU. I handed over interview and there were the student groups PP-02a (Power Plants).

I was interested in my brother student. He told about "happy student's time" a lot. And he was right. The new knowledge, new acquaintances are very interesting and fascinating.

At university I tried to be the organizer and took an active of university life. From the second rate I became the head, participated in a debut of the first-year student, day of faculty.

2006 for me was happy and very important. On February, 11 I married the most handsome and aims friendly intelligent man - Kovalenko Dmitry Vladimirovich. Our family is happy. The husband supports me in all my decisions.

The marriage was not reflected in study. I passed the state examinations perfectly well; received the bachelor's degree. My average estimation enabled to enter magistracy on the budget. 

In December, 2006 I decided to go to work. I became the employee of department CSRDTaTS on a post of the engineer-designer in UkrSRIHEE (a scientific research institute of hardened electric equipment) where and now I work.

My head under the diploma became the lecturer of faculty "Power plant" Lebedev Victor Konstantinovich. Masters works it has offered a theme to me itself. Voltage Overload in electric networks it is engaged in questions for a long time.

Plans for the future:
·   I shall be arranged for well paid work providing my further career growth;
·   I am going to receive the second higher education (economic);
·   I am measured to give birth and adequately to bring up to the children.