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Donetsk National Technical University  Ageyeva Yuliya

Ageyeva Yuliya

Faculty: Faculty of Ecology and Chemical Technology

Speciality: Management of ecological safety

Theme of master's work:

To value the influence of the photochemical smog on the formaldehyde atmospheric air pollution in city Donetsk

Leader of work: Irina Belyaeva


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Theme of master's work: "To value the influence of the photochemical smog on the formaldehyde atmospheric air pollution in city Donetsk"


The theme vitality

High levels of atmospheric air pollution in large industrial cities lead to a great number of ecological problems. The increasing level of inhabitants’ diseases can be added to this. Nowadays transport attracts special attention, its quantity is increasing. Automobile gases are considered to be the main reason of photochemical smog, which causes breathing organs and eye mucous membrane damages; in the number of cases nitrogen combinations may be observed in photochemical smog, they raise the probability of cancer appearing.

The project aim – to find out the main sources of formaldehyde atmospheric air pollution, to define the contribution of these sources into the formation of atmospheric air pollution levels.

The idea of the work consists of the creating and using mathematical models for the valuing and forecasting the formaldehyde concentration in atmospheric air.

The problem solving:

1.Finding out the main local sources of formaldehyde getting into atmospheric air.

2.Working out the formaldehyde pollution map for the city.

3.Calculating the movable sources contribution into the formation of the pollution levels.

4.Valuing the photochemical reactions influence on the concentration of formaldehyde in the air.

5.Elaboration of the scheme of the local sets made for investigating the formaldehyde in atmospheric air.

6.Suggesting the actions for formaldehyde concentration lowering in atmospheric air.

7.Elaboration of mathematical models for valuing and forecasting the formaldehyde concentration in atmospheric air.

The object of investigation – the atmospheric air of Donetsk city.

The subject of investigation – atmospheric air monitoring system while formaldehyde pollution.

The methods of investigation – statistic analysis and generalizing of the changing data in formaldehyde concentration, generalizing the float up sources data, mathematical modeling.

Table of contents


1.Analysis of the existing Donetsk atmospheric air monitoring system.

2.Basing the arguments of pollution substances chosen for monitoring.

3.Analysis of formaldehyde sources in Donetsk atmospheric air
3.1Local contamination sources.
3.2Movable sources of contamination.
3.3Photochemical reactions.

4.Consideration of meteorological factors which influence the changes of formaldehyde concentration in atmospheric air.
4.1Temperature factors.
4.2Sun radiation.
4.3Air humidity and precipitation.

5.Evaluation the existing sources contribution into the base-line formaldehyde concentration formation.
5.1Calculating the disperse from local sources.
5.2Calculation the disperse from movable sources.
5.3Calculation the photochemical reactions contribution.

6.Forecasting of formaldehyde concentration in Donetsk city atmospheric air.
6.1Analysis of forecasting methods.
6.1.1The method of image distinguishing.
6.1.2The method of multitude regression.
6.1.3The method of temporary sets.
6.2Forecasting of formaldehyde concentration according to the multitude regression methods.
6.3Forecasting of formaldehyde concentration according to the temporary row theory.
6.4Comparing analysis of forecasting data and evaluation of the received models importance.

7.The activities connected with the descending of formaldehyde concentration in atmospheric air.

8.The activities connected with the perfection of existing Donetsk atmospheric air monitoring system.


The list of literature


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