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Donetsk National Technical University Dzeikova Liliana

Dzeikova Liliana Valerievna

Faculty of Ecology and Chemical Technology

Speciality: Environmental protection

Theme of master's work: Research of the surface sewer

Leader of work: Mnuskina Victoria Vladimirovna


The surface sewer from territory city is an intensive factor of loads on natural water objects. Main quantity of the surface sewer enters water objects without peelings (including 100 % from territory vein mass). The most disadvantage influence upon sanitary condition of water objects render weighted substance and petroleum.


Produce the calculation of the surface sewer from territory of the city, develop the system of actions for reduction of the pollution of the river of Kalmius, suggest the construction for peelings of the surface sewer.


  1. Estimate the level of the river of Kalmius pollution
  2. Produce the calculation of the surrface sewer from territory of the city
  3. Develop the system of actions for reduction of the pollution the river of Kalmius
  4. Suggest the construction for peelings of the surface sewer

The object of research - the river of Kalmius, polluted by surrface sewer.

The subject of research - the pollutions of the river of Kalmius by surface sewer.

Table of Contens


  1. The analysis of the condition of the question, tasks and methods of the research.
  2. 1.1 Study of the methodses for estimation of the pollutions of the r.Kalmius

    1.2 Analysis normative-legal documentation of the Ukraine

    1.3 Data acceptance about condition of the problem of the surface sewer in Ukraine and world

    1.4 Review existing methods peelings surface sewer

    1.5 Conclusions and methods of the research

  3. The estimation of the pollution of r.Kalimius
  4. 1.1 Determination pH of water and saline extraction of bottom postponing

    1.2 Determination to activities of the catalase in gidrobionts

    1.3 Determination to activities of the peroxidase in gidrobionts

    1.4 Comparative feature of water quality in river of Kalimius in region of cities Donetsk and Mariupol

    1.5 Conclusions of the research

  5. Calculation of the surface sewer from the central part of the city of Donetsk into the river Kalmius

  6. Development the construction for peelings of the surface sewer


List of the literature



The calculation of the bear of the pollutions from a city area can be realized by means of accounting concentration of rain and melting sewer. The calculation of quantity of polluting substance from a city area.

Q=10*Qt*Fm*y*Cp, g/m3

Qt - amount of the precipitation of warm period of the year (April-October), (300) mm;

Fm - area of the city, (2310) ga;

y - ratio of the sewer, which depends of hard surface in amount of the city areas (0,7);

Cp - concentration of the polluting substance, (0,00132) t/m3

Enter your values and receive the result of the calculation of quantity polluting substance from a city area

Qt1 Fm1 y1 Cp1

List of the literature

  1. Лукашенко В.М., к.т.н., Разметаев С.В., к.ю.н., УГНИИ «УкрВОДГЕО», Лукашенко С.В., к.т.н., ХТУСА, Зеленский Б.К., к.т.н., ГКП «Харькоакоммуночиствод», г.Харьков, Украина. Очистка поверхностного стока в решении проблемы загрязнения водоемов // Экология и здоровье человека. Охрана водного и воздушного бассейнов. Утилизация отходов / Сб. научн. трудов ХII междунар. научно-технич. конф // под ред. С.В. Разметаева, В.Ф. Костенко: В 3-х т. - Харьков, 2004. 712с. (С. 27-31)
  2. Семчук Г.М., к.т.н., Рудий В.П., Госкомжилкоммунхоз Украины, г.Киев; Разметаев С.В., Костенко В.Ф., к.т.н., Юрченко В.А., к.б.н., Петрищев В.Г., Белявская И.В. УГНИИ "УкрВОДГЕО"; Коринько И.В., к.т.н., Большакова Е.С., к.т.н., ГКП "Харьковкоммуночиствод" г.Харьков, Украина. Современные проблемы поверхностного стока в Украине // Экология и здоровье человека. Охрана водного и воздушного бассейнов. Утилизация отходов / Сб. научн. трудов ХII междунар. научно-технич. конф // под ред. С.В. Разметаева, В.Ф. Костенко: В 3-х т. - Харьков, 2004. 712с. (С. 591-593)
  3. Охорона навколишнього середовища та раціональне використання природних ресурсів./Збірка доповідей ІІІ Міжнародної наукової конференції аспірантів та студентів. Донецьк: ДонНТУ, 2004 г.

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