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      Breakage hydra coal in clearing faces

Now the greatest distribution at a underground hydraulic way of development of coal deposits have received system of development by long columns on prodeleting from dredging by strips on falling without fastening a clearing face (on flat layers) and system understoreyer breakage hydra (on abrupt layers). For both systems of development dredging of coal setting is characteristic. Dredging setting is characteristic also for lines of systems of development another projected and taking place in experiment. At system understoreyer breakage hydra three versions sette are applied: open, closed and combined.

At work open setting the coalface is open on a blockage. Open settis are characteristic that the face rail off from failure breeds only trayet, is in part or completely lost at landing settis. Closed settis are characteristic left sights on the part of a blockage for supporting trayet. Combined settis differ that in the first phase of dredging of coal sights (similarly closed ) are left. In the second phase these sights are taken out and for - courseet opens on a blockage. The most detailed researches on working off coal stratum setting on flat and abrupt layers are executed ' in institute VNIIGidrougol eng. V.A.Teodorovichem.

Setting are taken out from below upwards from the hydromonitor to faailure to breeds previous settis. In a basis of dredging of coal layers setting use of bearing ability is necessary is whole coal and the surrounding file, providing stability of a naked surface for the period of dredging coal in settis. Bearing ability it is whole also a file of coal and lateral breeds can be admitted smaller, in comparison with the requirements showed to fastening of clearing faces as time of maintenance of exposures is rather insignificant and in a clearing face people and the equipment are absent. It allows to use better also display itselffailure and compress coal for the purposes of increase the manufacturer 'breakage hydra. Absence of people and the equipment in a face allows to take out coal from settis down to her failure and frequently after failure as it is obviously possible "to wash up" a part of coal from under failure breeds .

At dredging coal from setting the jet of water carries out two functions: function breakage hudra and function of management by a roof, failures and by stert-up failurebreeds. In the beginning of dredging formation{education} in cabin is made as though under cabin coal. Usually cabin give the vaulted form for increase in stability. Most frequently cabin do{make} on a sole setting, less often - in the middle. In process of increase in an exposure starts to appear itself failure and compresscoal. Since this moment monitorin basically uses a jet of water for management failur And for dredging ceilinges and underblockages it is whole. At strong coal and steady lateral breeds with the purpose of use of mountain pressure practise working off several setting without an advancing is relative each other. At unstable roof for increase of safety settings take out with an advancing on 15-20 m.

For improvement of a hydraulic unloading of coal from setting practise their inclined arrangement . The Peking college of mines recommends on powerful flat layers with strong coal to accept a corner equal 10-20 °, for weak coal on powerful and average capacity layers a corner 45-66 °. On abrupt falling it is recommended to incline setting on a blockage under fragile 70-80 ° . Dredging closed setting comes to an end failure blockages, sometimes with destruction of a frontal sight. As closed setting railins by frontal sights extraction fallen it is whole it is excluded. At closed setting high losses of coal - up to 35-40 % are observed. Closed setting basically apply at working off understorey the overestimated height (more than 7-8 м). Unique advantage closed setting consists ^ in an opportunity of dredging of adjacent panels the general{common} face to two Hydromonitors, that increases productivity breakage hudra a little. In open setting stability of exposures of a face the lowest and thus is provided small thickness blockages and a little bit lateral sights of coal or a pedigree{rocky} file. Work open setting is possible{probable} only at careful regulation of parameters setting. On abrupt falling the height understorey at work open setting should not exceed 4-6 m. Operational losses at the good organization of works make 20-25 %. Combined setting allow to use advantages closed and open setting. At combined setting in the first phase the basic part of coal without his{its} pollution is taken out. In the second phase it is taken out frontal and lateral sights with to leave between them of coal "leg". to leave "legs" allows to support blockages on a significant extent, therefore failure breeds occurs rather far from the hydromonitor that facilitates dredging it is whole and reduces pollution of coal by breed. Losses of coal at dredging combined settings make about 30 %.

At dredging coal from setting the hydromonitor establish in preparatory development{manufacture}. In installation the hydromonitor fasten amplifies additional frames. At very unstable roof it is necessary to apply amplification{strengthening} fasten fires or to apply special mobile fasten. " 1 AUTOMATION OF HYDROMINES{HYDROSHAFTS} To distinguish features of a hydraulic way at a underground coal mining are it is enoughoperation and a continuity of the technological process, high technical and economic parameters causing it{him} . it is enoughoperation and a continuity of technological process create extremely favorable conditions for complex automation.

Technological process of hydroextraction represents the continuous closed cycle, that at realization of complex automation allows to conduct regulation on uniform uniting parameter. As such parameter the consistence ' pulps as to the greatest possible consistence there corresponds{meets} the maximal productivity of hydromine{hydroshaft} on coal is accepted. Now the decision of a question of automation of process of hydroextraction is carried out{spent} in institute VNIIGidrougol on four directions: 1) Automation highpressure pump station; 2) Automation of hydrorise; 3) Automation zabonogo process and 4) Automation of processes of wet enrichment and 5) obezvogivanie Automation of wet enrichment and obezvogivanie in conditions of hydromine{hydroshaft} has much in common with similar processes at usual methods of a coal mining and consequently here is not considered{examined}. At the same time, it is necessary to note, that, in comparison with usual methods of wet enrichment, enrichment and obezvogivanie, used on hydromines{hydroshafts}, differ few - оperacionoct. Automation highpressure pump station of the hydromine{hydroshaft}, developed in laboratory DII. Under a management{manual} graf. dok. tex. V.G.Gejera's sciences [50] and planned to

Гидроотбойка угля


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