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Donetsk National Technical University Ponomarenko Michail

Ponomarenko Michail

Faculty: power-mechanics and automation

Speciality: hydraulic and pneumatic machines

Theme of master's work: Increase of longevity of the mine housing-sectional pumps.

Leader of work: Kononenko A. P., professor of Donetsk National Technical University.

Materials on the theme of master's work: Abstract | Links | Report about the search


Middle mark in the period of teaching in an university - 4,65. Freely I own Russian, Ukrainian languages. In a volume, sufficient for reading own English. I have an experience in a research institute. I carry with walking tours.


Curriculum Vitae

Name: Ponomarenko Mihail
Date of Birth: 13 october 1984
Nationality: Ukrainian
Address: donetsk -42, Zamoskvorechnaya street 26/78
Telefon: 341-00-37
1991 - 2002: Jeconolary school ¹ 83. Donetsk.
2002 - to present: Donetsk National Technical University. Fuculty of power- mechanics & automation
Responsible for hydraulic & pneumatic machines
Sports: Hiking and treking. A member of turist club "Alpine".
Driver's licence (car).
IBM PC user.
Leader of work: Anatoliy Kononenko, professor of Donetsk National Technical University.

DonNTU> Master's portal | Abstract | Links | Report about the search