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Master of DonNTU Rudenko S.

Rudenko Sergey

Faculty: Energomechanic and automation
Speciality: Electromechanics equipment of energy-intensive enterprises

Theme of master's work: "Research of resonance processes in the hauling chains of scraper conveyors on the example of the SPC-26 conveyor"

Leader of work: Khitsenko Nikolai, associate professor of department MT&L, c.e.s.


Short information:

  • Middle mark in the period of studies in university - 4,85
  • I speak in Russian and Ukrainian fluently
  • I know English good
  • My computer skills are Visual Basic, HTML, Excel
  • Interestings: sports, carving, religious literature


    Personal data:



    1986 - 1992 - nursery school

    1992 - 1995 - Ukrainsk elementary school ¹15

    1995 - 2000 - Ukrainsk secondary school ¹15

    2000 - 2001 - Ukrainsk secondary school ¹12

    2001 - 2002 - Ukrainsk secondary school ¹13

    2002 - 2007 - Donetsk National Technical University, faculty of "Energomechanics and automations", speciality is "Electromechanics equipment of energy-intensive enterprises"

    2006 - I've got a Bachelor degree and entered to the Magistracy, where I study now.

    17/05/2006 - I took part in scientific conference "Science's Day" and my report was one of the best.

    17/05/2007 - I took part in scientific conference "Science's Day" again. My report's theme coincided with my master's degree work. Theme of my master's work is "Research of resonance processes in the hauling chains of scraper conveyors on the example of the SPC-26 conveyor". I will get master's degree of engineering science when I graduate from the university.


    2/09/2002 - 3/01/2003 - Donetsk National Technical University (Technical training)/Donetsk/

    2/09/2002 - 3/01/2003 - Donetsk National Technical University (Computer's training)/Donetsk/


    2/09/2002 - 3/01/2003 - "Ukraine" coal mine (Mechanic-doubler)/Ukrainsk/

    2/09/2002 - 3/01/2003 - "Ukraine" coal mine (Mechanic-doubler)/Ukrainsk/

    2/09/2002 - 3/01/2003 - "Ukraine" coal mine (Mechanic)/Ukrainsk/

    © 2007, Sergos


    RUS UKR ENG DonNTU> Master's portal