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  UDC 622.232.72

Research of the automatic double-driver outrigger feeding sys-tem of treating machine

Sanchenko A.P., student; Dubinin S.V., candidate of the technical sciences, ass. professor

(Donetsk National Technical University, Donetsk, Ukraine)

"Mechanics of liquid and gas". Collection of scientific article V International scientific-and-technical students conference in Donetsk 28-30 november 2006. – Donetsk: DonNTU, 2006.

  The automatic double-driver outrigger feeding system of treating machine based on electromagnetic sliding socket was researched, also the possibility of the control-ling amplifier to the power transistor key change.

  Essential disappointment of the automatic outrigger feeding system (OFS) of the treating machines is incomplete automation of it's electric drivers. The auxiliary feeding driver is armed with manual control system. The realization of the rational automatic control system of this driver helps to diminish the level of the dynamic loading of the machines assembly and feeding system, as to increase stable electric driver moment and minute's producing of the treating machine. The practical reali-zation of such a control requires a significant apparatus part increasing.

Functional scheme of substitution of OSF of treatment machine

Picture 1 - Functional scheme of substitution of OSF of treatment machine

  For the optimization of the functional scheme (pic.1) of the automatic AOSF control, researches were made to find out the influence of the functional segments parameter on the control quality. Developments were elaborated with a help of mathematical model, made by pic.1 and described with a system of differential equations, given in the form of Koshi for it's development with a help of number method Runge-Cutt. The fragment of the solution is shown on the pic.2

Graphics of the solutions of the differential equations system

Picture 2 - Graphics of the solutions of the differential equations system (1 - loading regulator signal, 1 - action potential speed regulator, 3 - socket current, 4 - speed sensor signal, 5 - sensor current signal)

  Researches showed that by changing of the quantity increasing coefficient K1 (pic.1) from 12 to 150 the exactness of the rotation speed stabilization improves from 25% to 6% and the speed amplitude variation falls more than twice. By further K1 increasing quality parameters has almost no changes. The same high quality indices were received by the change of the booster 13 and converter 14 with one key element.

  It helps to change the controlling amplifier and thyristor transducer to power transis-tor key (ex. IGBT transistor), to diminish the volume of the apparatus part maximal, to lighten practical realization of the automatic control of both feeding drivers and can materially increase reliability and indices of the quality system in whole.

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