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    My name is Lunyova Ekaterina Alexandrovna. I was born on May, 13, 1985 in the town Makeevka in Donetsk region. In six years old I learned to read that allowed more confidently to feel myself at school. From early age to me instiled aspiration to be to the best. In 1992 I entered in school 59. Physical culture was a favourite lesson and in a second class I began to visit the section of sporting acrobatics. I very liked to studded in this type of sport. In 1997 I was received the rank "Candidate of sport master ", when I won first place on regional competitions.

   In 1998 I passed to study in lyceum ¹1 in Makeevka in a physics- mathematics class. The choreography and physics became my favourite lessons. I participated in many school measures and in a scientific section on the mathematics "KVANT ".

   In 2002 I entered on rating in DonNTU on a physics -metallurgical department on the speciality "Applied material scients". On the second course I decided to study economic speciality. I Entered in institute of retraining from DonNTU on speciality the " Accounting and audit". I studied such objects as an economic theory, accounting, audit, organization and accounting of enterprises. I am able to work in the programs 1Ñ, Microsoft Access, 1DF, "Personification".

   On the basic speciality "Applied material scients" I studied base objects, such us material scients, technology of heat treatment, corrosion of metals and defence is from her, physics of the condensed state, equipment of thermal workshops. I am able to program on Delpfy, HTML, to work in Image Tool.

   In 2006 came forward at a conference in DonNTU with a presentation the "Study of parameters of microstructure of the steel with high maintenance of chrome Õ12ÌÔ by the Image Tool program". Now I am engaged in the study of methods of receipt of powder alloys on the basis of molybdenum disilicide and tungsten disilicide.

    Now I conduct researches of microstructure of powders, X-ray and chemical analysis. I prepare the article to the issue and to appearance at a conference in DonNASA on the theme of " Features of change of form and structural transformations of "targets" from a tungsten disilicide and molybdenum disilicide". Now I am engaged in writing of master's degree work on this region of researches.

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