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Электронная библиотека магистра ДонНТУ Рутковской Н.Л.


Kanenko G.M., Pikonec G.А.  


Oxygen - converter process is leading steel-smelting process in the world as usual.

The world manufacture of converter steel has made 964,8 million tones or 63,3 % from the general manufacture in 2003 year .    

 Converter manufacture of Ukraine includes 6 shops with 19 converters in capacity 2 х 350 tones, 2 х 250 tones, 12 х (150 - 170 tones), 3 х 65 tones. A technological level in converter shops as a whole high enough, best of them are included into the number of leading converter shops of the world.

Converter manufacture, as well as any another, is a source of pollution of the surrounding natural environment. The primary problems of it are reduction of emissions, dumps and decrease of waste products. The essence of the given problems consists in use of secondary power and material resources, the modern equipment.

Thus, an important aspect, without which technical rearmament hardly possible, is decision of the questions of increase of a technological level, an ecological safety, savings of resources and energy.

The problems of resources savings solved extremely slowly: many decades expenses of raw material and energy on unit of metal products on 30 - 50 % exceed the best world achievements.

Researches and experience confirm the rationality of the decision of a two-uniform problem for decrease of expenses of primary resources and sharp reduction at the expense of it harmful emissions in an atmosphere on all metallurgical cycle - from extraction of ore before release of rolling products.


The process in the oxygen converter proceeds intensively. Plentiful gas evolution is one of the main lacks of this manufacture. Clearing of gases and their previous cooling continue to remain difficult problems. Various ways of application converter gases are possible. Burning gas above the converter in boilers of a special design, receive steam. Catching of gas after cooling and clearing allows using it as fuel in power assemblies or as a reducer in technological processes.

In converter gas, in the negligible quantity (up to 1 %) contains nitrogen, hydrogen and oxygen. The basic component is CO (up to 90 %) and СО2 (up to 10 %). Such structure of gas causes high heat of his combustion (8,5-9,2 МDg/m³) and toxicity. The gas mix, which contains more of 12 % CO, becomes explosive at concentration of oxygen of more than 5 %.

The maintenance of sulfur in converter gases depends appreciably on its maintenance into lime and changes from 105 mg / m ³ to 206 mg / m ³.

An output of gases, their structure is variable on course smelting. The quantity of converter gas, got out of the converter, makes 60-80 m³. The temperature of converter gas ≈ 1400-1800˚C also is close to temperature of metal. The high temperature of gas on an output from the converter causes significant losses of physical heat with gases and is an essential share in thermal balance конвертерной smelting (up to 10 %).

Converter gas is high-quality technological and power fuel. These features are necessary for take into account at a choice of system and a way of tap and use. At tap of gas without access of air pulverous particles have larger sizes. According to these features, the circuit of gas purification gets out. At finer fractions of a dust, the requirement to the gas purification raise. The temperature of gas before gas purification should not exceed 200-300˚С. As temperature of gas at an output from the oxygen converter ≈1600˚C before gas purification of them it is necessary to cool.

Probably some ways of cooling:

- diluting of air;

- injection of water;

- the equipment of gas duct water-cooled fireplaces or screens;

- development of fallow in the waste-heat boilers at the expense of physical heat of converter gases or products of their combustion.

More often, these ways are combining. The way of cooling and a design of the cooling equipment essentially are influence on technological process the smelting of steel and parameters of converter manufacture.

Gases allocate from oxygen converters the various ways, at which the size of coefficient of the charge of air on an input is various:

-     at full burning gas with access of air  –  α  > 1;

-     with access of air and partial burning of gas  –  0 < α  <1;

-     without access of air and without burning gas  –  α  = 0.

Gases on an output from the oxygen converter contain energy ≈ 0,95-1,05 MDg/t steel (20 % of physical heat and 80 % of chemical energy).

Use of heat of gases allows saving 30 thousand tones conditional fuel on 1 million tones steel. At use of heat of converter gas it is possible to receive hot water and sated water fallow in coolers with reburning (α > 1). The fallow direct for technological needs of the enterprise or after overheat – for development of the electric power.

In systems without reburning converter gases (α = 0) or with partial reburning in radiation boilers use up to 10 % of chemical energy and physical heat of gas with subsequent his catching and burning as fuel in power or technological assemblies. After cooling and cleaning without reburning, the converter gas can be use as fuel and chemical raw material. Without clearing and cooling, it is possible to use for heating charge materials of converter smelting and as a reducer iron-ore raw material.

In our country, basically, systems of tap of gases with full or partial reburning CO in the converter are applying. In these circuits, chemical energy departed converter gases is not use and lost.

Application converter gas as fuel is one of reserves of fuel and energy resources. However, his application is complicated for the following reasons:

1. Inconstancy of an output converter gas (on time and on quantity)

2. Sharp shakings of structure of gas during the various periods smelting

3. An opportunity inflow air that can result to formation to a mix gases and oxygen and explosion of using assembly.


At a choice of devices of gas purification, it is necessary to take into account distinction of fractional structure of a dust in products of combustion (ОCG with reburning) and converter gas (ОCG without reburning), these systems acting in gas paths. The special attention is giving hermetic sealing flue in the latter case in connection with toxicity oxide the carbon (II), making about 90 % of converter gas.

The exhaust path consists of a boiler-cooler, devices of wet gas purification with system of separation and tap of sludge, a supercharger of gas, afterburner devices or gasholder, armatures, gas mains (with a supercharger and additional cleaning in the electrofilter) to the consumer.

Cooled and cleaned converter gas can be caught with subsequent use; if catching is not stipulated he should be burnt on candles. In converter shops of domestic factories, converter gas is not catch.

The basic circuit of tap and cleaning the converter gas without reburning CO with use of his chemical energy after the gas purification, used by one of factories of Japan consists in the following. The cooled gas acts in jet washers, then after coagulation of a dust in pipes Venturi, he is cleaning in centrifugal scrubbers and goes in gasholder or to a chimney. Before outburst in the atmosphere, gas burns by help of special torches.


Converter gas from the converter acts in exhaust a path where his physical heat realizes for reception fallow in a boiler-cooler. In quality ОCG without reburning apply radioactive-convective boilers with screens, in which gas cools up to 500 – 600˚С. After a boiler-cooler before gas purification additional cooling is carried out by injection of water in flue. In the offered circuit the opportunity of use of physical heat and chemical energy converter gas is provided: physical heat is used in a boiler - cooler for development fallow, and gas can be applied as high-quality fuel after cleaning of a dust.

For the maximal realization of power resources in oxygen converter shop is necessary to use generating set, into which structure enter storage, evaporative and deaerational of installation, and also auxiliaries.

Thus, the offered circuit provides the closed contour: a boiler-cooler – the power unit – a boiler-cooler. At effective converter gas in ОCG without reburning the power unit develops uses of physical heat of fallow and a condensate for power and technological consumers, and also for own needs of shop.


Chemical energy of departing gases is rational for using for restoration pellets. On figure 5.1 the basic circuit of use converter gas is submitted as a reducer. At the expense of underpressure created by a supercharger converter gas is selected from flue ОCG at temperature 950 - 1050˚С and through bypass газоход goes to the regenerative device; then passes through a layer железорудных окатышей, heats up them up to 750 – 850˚С and restores up to a degree of metallization of 95 %. The fulfilled gas with temperature 550 – 650˚С and the maintenance CO about 35 % acts in the gas purification placed in bypass flue behind the regenerative device, in spray catcher, and then a supercharger moves on a candle. The rest CO, formed at restoration oxides iron up to iron metal, reburning on a candle.

From the regenerative device the raw material is unloaded periodically during a purge of the converter or during the interblowing-off period in intermediate coated the capacity located before batcher. Before next fusible the portion hot metallized pellets is loaded into the converter.

Use converter gas for restoration of iron from iron-ore pellets, passing domain process, gives economy of scarce and expensive reducers. In comparison with use of a breakage application metallized pellets provides purer iron and simplifies transportation and loading of materials the converter. However, additional capital expenses are necessary for this purpose in shop which volume defines a level of economic efficiency of system.

The important problem is heating and refinement converter breakage from nonferrous metals polluting it. The significant amount of the physical and chemical heat contained in converter gases, allows solving this problem at the expense of heat departing converter gases and by that sharply to lower power consumption converter steel.


In systems of gas purification industrial check was passed with the following devices: scrubbers, turbulent scrubbers (big, small, etc.), named also pipes Venturi; dry electrostatic filters, wet electrostatic filters, foamy filters, cyclones-spray separators and dry, hydromechanical filters, fabric (hose) filters.

From the listed devices the basic are turbulent scrubbers (pipes Venturi), electrostatic filters, fabric filters. Scrubbers, foamy filters and cyclones apply, as a rule, in a combination with pipes Venturi and electrofilters.

The temperature of gases after a cooler, i.e. before system of clearing, is defining by its type. Therefore, at metal scrubbers the temperature of gases can reach 400°С. If a scrubber with fire-resistant liner, the temperature can be much higher. Turbulent scrubbers, executed from carbonaceous steel, reliably work at temperature of acting gas 350 - 400°С.

Dry electrostatic filters work well at constant temperature of acting gases (approximately 140 – 160°С) and humidity of gas about 70 g/m³.

Therefore, as a rule, in front of dry electrofilters establish the stabilizer in which in a stream of gases water automatically injects or it is blown fallow for maintenance of the required temperature and humidity. The maintenance of combustible components in the gases acting in electrofilters should be much less than the bottom limit of ignition of a corresponding component. Therefore, electrostatic filters cannot work in system of tap of gases without reburning.

At use fabric (hose) filters show even more rigid requirements to temperature of entering gases, she should be within the limits of 100 – 110°С and do not exceed 150°С. At higher temperatures durability of a filtering fabric sharply reduced. In case of application of wet systems cleanings gases do not show such requirements to fluctuations of temperature of entering gases and maintenances in them CO.

The system of cleaning of gases predetermines to a certain extent circuit exhaust of a path. The ways of tap and cooling in turn influence considerably system and dimensions gas purification. Therefore, for concrete objects of the circuit of cooling and system of cleaning it is necessary to choose after the careful analysis.