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Donetsk National Technical University  Chesnokov Artem

Chesnokov Artem

Faculty: Of Computer Science and Informatics

Speciality: Computer ecology-economical monitoring

Theme of master's work:

The decision of problems multicriteria optimization of dynamic systems in the environment of mathematical modelling Scilab

Scientific supervisor: associate professor Belovodskiy Valeriy Nikolaevich

Email: artemij_nemec@mail.ru




About myself (main things):

Average mark during education at university - 3.98. Fluently know Russian also Ukrainian languages. From foreign languages, in volume, sufficient for reading and correspondence, I know only English.

The biography:

The Birth

My name is Artem Chesnokov. I was born on 8 August, 1985 in Novoazovsk, Ukraine. I grew and was brought up in the family, consisted of loving parents (their names are Chesnokov Roman Valentinovich and Chesnokova Helen Petrovna).

The Childhood

In the preschool age I went to the kindergarten number 3 “The Sun” in Novoazovsk. I learnt to read very early. I was a calm assiduous child. Like all children I had a dream to become a astronaut or a sailor. But I did not become.

The School

In 1992 I went to school number 2 in Novoazovsk. I got only good and excellent marks. I took part in competitions in different subjects (physics, information technology, English, handcraft) and took prize places. In primary school I was a member of the school theatre. I took an active part in the creation of volleyball section, which I attended later. I finished school without honors and medals; with one good mark (I still do not like chemistry). After lessons and during my week-ends I attended the school of music (the department of folk instruments), I played in orchestra. Our orchestra took part in different competitions, it got the awards, and became winner at the regional competitions, it gave concerts in towns and villages of our region.

The University

In 2002 I entered the Donetsk National Technical University. The school baggage of the knowledge was not enough for the entering and for the normal education it was not enough at all, that’s why on the first year of my education I had to try hard. During my student years I made friends with a lot of students, changed several places of my residence. I visited the capital, got a job and dropped it. I got a lot of impressions. I took part in conferences (I was the performer and the organizer as well). I supplied technically performances of the KVN’s teams of the KSM department. In 2006 I got the diploma of bachelor.

My Future Plans

In the nearest future I am going to get master’s degree, and later – to get a job, which I would like. I don’t want to make too far going plans

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