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Master DonNTU Fedurina Olga

Olga Fedurina

Faculty: Computers and Information Science

Speciality: Economical Cybernetics

Theme of master's work:

The Forecast Regression Models of Extra Accuracy

Leader of work: Smirnov Alexandr Vladimirovich


     Middle mark in the period of studies in university is 4,86.



     I was born on the 28th June, 1985 in Donetsk (Ukraine).
     My mother Patyuk Liliana Borisovna is a doctor.
     My father Fedurin Valentin Leonidovich was a miner, now he is a pensioner.


     I am the only child in my family and I have always been surrounded by my parents` love, attention and care.
     My "working" life began quite early. When I was only one and a half, I had to go to the kindergarden, because my parents worked a lot. So, kindergarden was my second home, where I made many good friends, favourite teachers, who taught me to read, write and count. There was my first victory, when I won draughts competition and got a title of "Queen of draughts". Since then I have kept my first queen crown.

School years

     My first school was a Music School, where I had piano lessons since I was 6.
     On the 1st September 1992 I became a first year pupil at the School №9. I wanted to go to school very much and it was quite easy to study for me. The first school year was even boring, because I knew and could do a lot. Therefore sometimes I talked during lessons, prompted my classmates and that's why I used to get bad marks for my behaviour, that was in contrast to excellent marks in school subjects. Maths was my favourite school subject. I was getting top marks from my first school year, many times I took part and won in different school science contests. As you can see, I have always devoted a lot of time to studies, besides I had piano lessons, dance classes and studied English.
     In 1999 I finished Music School and the same year I entered Melpomena Fashion Theatre in Donetsk Children and Youth Palace, where I had defile, theatre acting and fitness classes for two years.
     The same year I entered computer course at the same palace and there I became interested in computer for the first time, it influenced my choice of my future profession.


      In 2002 I finished school with golden medal. Before finishing school, according to rating exam results, I entered Donetsk National Technical University and became a student of budget group at Faculty of Computer and Information Science, course of Economical Cybernetics.
     It is pleasant for me to remember about the 1st September, 2002 when I was very excited to meet my group mates, lectures and to see what the real university is. I had studied hard at school and then I did my best at university as well. With great enthusiasm I studied both computer science and economy science.
     In 2006 I got Bachelor degree (diploma with honours) and, as a logical sequence of my university education, I began studying for Master degree.
     My Master research paper under guidance of Smirnov Alexandr Vladimirovich is "The Forecast Regression Models of Extra Accuracy". To my mind, this work is very interesting because forecasting is very important nowadays.


     In future I`d like to find an interesting job in sphere of analytics. I`d like to have a job, that brings not only financial, but also moral satisfaction. For me, it`s very important to work with friendly and helpful colleagues. I hope for interesting job and promotion!