Kleshnin Ivan Sergeevich

Kleshnin Ivan Sergeevich


Master's thesis
Review program
"Gifted children"

Donets National Technical University

Master's Portal

Faculty Computer facilities and Computer science

Speciality: Computer Systems and Networks


Data gathering and control system. Three-phase asynchronous motor protection

The leader: Bashkov Evgeniy Aleksandrovich


About me:

Average mark: 4.7
Languages: Russian, Ukrainian.
Programming languages: C++, Assembler, Pascal.
Software: Photoshop, MPLAB IDE, Advantech Studio, AVR Studio, C Builder.
Manage touch method with ten fingers.

I was born on January 29th, 1985 in the Donetsk city, Ukraine. My house locates in residential area in the south of city.

I was an unsociable child. When I was three, I began to read independently and it became my favorite occupation. It all was interesting to me: astronomy, biology, physics, mathematics, geography... Even if something was absolutely unfamiliar and not clear.

Other my hobby was drawing. I draw not bad, and, I think, could enter an art school, at desire, but I had too many other interests, therefore I was not able to stop on what one, let even bringing pleasure.

School days left many impressions, but something especial, interesting by everything, I'll hardly remember at once. There never were no authorities, samples for imitation for me. Someone learned me, someone brought up, helped me and struggled with me, but, in any case, I remained myself and was that whom wished to be.

Every year I had prize-winning places in regional Olympiads in mathematics, physics or biology, but, frankly speaking, I didn't feel neither fear before test, nor pleasures from a victory, not grief from failure.

Since I was interested in so many different things at the same time, I didn't sit up above something with one too long. And there were both positive and negative sides in it.

Anyhow, the school has left its trace, its memory, but for all years of my studying in university I never came back there. Also there is no desire to do it.

Where I wished to go after school? Generally the first variant was natural education: biology, genetics, medicine. These subject domains always were most easy and interesting for me. But I did not come to move in this direction.

First, it has not allowed for me to make weak knowledge of chemistry with which our teaching structure itself was insufficiently familiar. Secondly, the level of applicability of similar knowledge in our country did not arrange me.

I hadn't get on with foreign languages in that time, and more likely hadn't found the correct approach to their studying, therefore such direction hadn't seemed to me perspective enough.

Thus, other decision was accepted: to enter in DonNTU on faculty of Computer Facilities. This was not preceded with long process of a choice or comparison. As long as knowledges were necessary first of all for me from university, I have stopped the choice on this high school.

The speciality Computer Systems and Networks has seemed to me interesting, and I had the computer since the childhood, therefore I have stopped on it as a result.

At present time I am engaged, basically, in low-level programming, I develop the software for controllers. My student research effort, and also master's thesis concerns to this subject.

My main interest is creativity in many displays: fine arts, literature, music, photo. Physiology, biochemistry, genetics and all natural sciences, in general, and also history are close to me from sciences.