Welcome on the page of Postavnaya Tat'yana Alexandrovna!!! Master's Donetsk National Technical University Postavnaya Tat'yana Alexandrovna

Postavnaya Tat'yana

Faculty: Computer science faculty (FVTI)
Speciality: Economical Cybernetics
Group: ECY-06m
Email: postavna@meta.ua

Theme of master's degree work:
"Autocorrelative indicators of the price exchange graphs"

Instructor: Smirnov A.V.

About myself:

           My mean mark in the period of teaching in university made 5,0. Russian, Ukrainian and English speaking.
           Job experience: from September 2006 I work as specialist in First Ukrainian International Bank.
           During the period of work I took part in development of software product "Complex profitableness", which allows to estimate a complex profitableness of client from its service in bank. The given software product is actively used for estimation of client’s profitableness.
           Basic hobbies : ballroom dances and taking pictures.



Me 4 years old

           My name is Postavnaya Tatyana, I was born June 25, 1985, in Donetsk.
           From little up I was a creative child, that was expressed in writing of child's fairy-tales, and in more senior age I seriously devoted myself to the ballroom dances. Parents in every way encouraged my aspiration to creation, cultivated in me industriousness and persistence in achievement of my targets.
           My father, Postavnoy Alexander Alexeevitch, was born 23.04.1958 in Poltava. Later they moved by all family in Donetsk, where he passed his childhood and youth. Its purposefulness and persistence always struck me and exemplified for imitation. He never stops to any problem. Exactly these strains, inherited from him, help me to decide, it would seem, insoluble problems, posed to me by life.
           My mother, Postavnaya Helen Evgenievna, was born 02.06.1959 in Donetsk. From little up she took a great interest in music: she graduated music school on the piano class. It was she who cultivated love to creative work in me . Thanks to her efforts in our family always reigned an atmosphere of good and love, only thanks to her our family became such joined and friendly.            Among the most bright impressions of childhood I can select the journeys by all family to lake, where my brother Sasha, dad and me filled up the fishing-rods and sat, hiding, expecting biting of fish. And at this time my mother prepared on fire and smell of the delicacy, prepared on nature, was reported to us with a new puff of wind. Probably, at every child the most bright and memorized moments from childhood – when all family is going together, because there is nobody more dear and near, than owns.


In school...

           In 1991 I’ve entered to the 1st class of School ¹ 141 Donetsk. The first teacher, Liudmila Georgievna, became a guide-book for me, if it is possible to be so expressed, in the world of knowledge and new possibilities. Books became my friends. I always knew that I wanted to take deserving seat in society, and for this purpose it is needed to make every effort.
           I dedicated all my spare time to finding of new knowledge – expressly went to realization of my dream. At school I took active part in the class life : games in Club of Jolly and Ready-witted People, evenings devoted to Ukrainian traditions, staging of different plays and works – all this helped comprehensively to develop and form my personality.
           In 2000 I have participated in the Ukrainian mathematical competition the «Gold key», on results of which I was invited for participation in the international mathematical competition «Kangaroo-2000», organized in Ukraine by Lvov physics and mathematics lyceum and international association of «Kangaroo without scopes». That prompted me to enter at the Mathematical college of Donetsk national university, from which I have graduated with honors in 2002.
           Along with achievements in the exact sciences I continued to develop my creative beginning. My essay on theme «My school» took 3rd place in the city competition of essays. In 2002 I was marked by diploma for the active participation in the public and political life of school.
           By that time I became professional in ball room dances. I have repeatedly won prizes on different dance competitions.


In university...

           In July, 2002, I have graduated with honors from lyceum. Interest to the exact sciences influenced my future profession choice. In August of the same year I have entered at Donetsk National Technical University on the budgetary form of teaching on faculty of Computing engineering and informatics, specialty «Economic cybernetics». The deciding factor, influencing my future profession choice, was that the given specialty combines in itself both exact and humanitarian sciences. And this gives still greater possibilities to realize itself.
           I had not to choose long the educational establishment. Still from 9th form I knew that I wanted to study either in Donetsk National Technical University DonNTU, or in Donetsk National University, as I consider them the best colleges of our city. And as in DonNTU the greater attention is spared to engineering sciences (in particular, to the informatics), I chose it exactly.
           A student world staggered me by its variety. How many students, there is the same number of desires and aspirations. But I exactly knew what I wanted. The university opened to me a road to realization of my dream. Higher education is a distinguishing feature of modern person – thinking person.
           During teaching at the university I took part in the Ukrainian competition the «Young economy». In 2004 I was marked by diploma for the active participation in competition of the student advanced studies DonNTU on speciality economic sciences.
           In 2007 I took part in ²²²rd international scientific conference of students, graduate students and young scientists the “Computer monitoring and information technologies”, where I was marked by diploma for the best lecture on theme: “Autocorrelative indicators of the price exchange graphs” in 2nd section “Monitoring and design of economic and public processes”.

Master's degree work            From the beginning of teaching at the university I was interested in the study of markets’ conduct . This was a basic reason of choice of my future diploma work theme: « Autocorrelative indicators of the price exchange graphs». The application of the given indicators allows to define entry times to the market, when swift growth begins, and exit from it in the case of slump. The study of autocorrelative indicators will allow to respond in time to market vibrations , thus it is possible to apply them not only to the Forex market (on the basis of this market data the researches are conducted on intercommunication of autocorrelative indicators and present vibrations of market). Besides this an auxiliary indicator will be developed, characterizing a size of autocorrelation sliding maximal interval: the more it is larger, the less trend fluctuates and the more handling signal is reliable.

Job experience            From September, 2005, I work at First Ukrainian International Bank. I have occupied a vacancy of specialist’s assistant. In 8 months I became specialist, and from September 2006 – chief specialist.

Plans on future            In my plans on the nearest 20 years is further professional and career growth in bank. For the present I esteem my basic task graduating from university and obtaining of master’s degree diploma . Along with the career growth it would be desirable also to continue to be engaged in the ballroom dances.