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Abramov Olexandr Mikolayovich

Abramov Olexandr Mikolayovich

Mining-and-geological faculty

Speciality: "Drilling"

Scientific advisor is: dr.t. Kalinichenko Oleg Ivanovich


      Because individual task allowed us to choose, I decided to choose a theme which interested me and will be interesting for the people of getting «OVERCLOCKING» busy and creation of the systems of cooling from at a hand facilities.
      For this purpose it was decided to reconstruct the system of cooling of computer, and in particular cooling of processor, video and north bridge.
      I from the simplest began, this was a «north». Because for cooling of north bridge in a standard a passive radiator is used, and at acceleration he warms up, but it is insignificant, that decision of problem arose up in itself, this was the fan fastened on the two screws to the radiator.

      Analysing possibilities of the old to the video GV-R9200, I decided to be limited by replacement of passive «voice» on a «asset». The senior relative HIS-9600 was a donor.

      He of course had to be driven in, doing necessary incisions. But a result was attained, found video the «voice» and «cold mind» :)!!!

      For a processor what wanted exotic and I decided that this will be «hydropsy». For the people of above-ground in the house to find the piece of being shelved does not make copper «coins» greater problem.

      For creation of heat exchanger it was had to remember thermodynamics, hydraulics and drawing. I carried the last out in 3-D KOMPAS. Computations I of course I will not lead but pictures though and little but «free-ideological» :).

      In practice ran into a problem which carries especially economic feasibilities of the domestic making. And then I trudged in a carriage depot to the acquainted milling-machine operator. Long I to him explained that he must do that turned out, what he never heard about and what did never, and when I entered a term the «track of milling» and «direction of milling», that in my understanding is a synonym, he came in bewilderment, but I explained why I so marked out purveyance «chushku», not to «ENCUMBER by SUPERFLUOUS LINES», I said.

      Ability of our milling-machine operators needs to do justice. Work was executed on fine in spite of the state and setting of machine-tools. There were some errors caused of course by an unhigh-quality modern cutting instrument, but they only improved the indexes of heat exchange. By work of milling-machine operator I remained is satisfied.

      And here already there was my turn exercise above, simple on purpose but «hi-tech» on creation, by an object.
      Decided an overhead lid to do from transparent plastic, and carbine from copper tubes. Planted a lid on glue, here warming up heat exchanger and tightening spirally. Carbine was planted by the same method. A heat-exchange block was ready.

      From the same transparent plastic was done krepeg which would fit for the standard clamp of a 478 platform.
      For circulation of liquid a pump which was found in a pet-shop was needed, on necessary parameters befitted a pump for a fountain.

      Putting together in singly all system by rubber tubes, began to test her on impermeability, in such state she stayed about hour. A test was gone well, that yet more approached me to purpose.

      Immediately setting of the system on a platform followed on a test. Starting after setting, I made sure in the rightness of computations, because a temperature considerably went down even in default of radiator in the system!!!

      In future it is planned to use a radiator from a refrigerator.
      P.S. Analysing the conducted work came to conclusion: Obtaining the considerable cooling, I got considerable growth of level of noise and additional expense of electric power in an equal measure. I achieved objective, but coming from the analysis came to a new search of optimum, This must be effectively balanced between heating and noisiness, not requiring the additional expense of electric power system.
      I already procured a transformer butter, I am found in the search of materials for a corps!!!!! :)


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