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Anikeyev Yevgeniy Olegovych

Faculty: «Minering geological»

Speciality: «Drilling of shafts and wells»

Theme of master's work: «Substantiation of parameters devices secure effective timbering exploring using wells casing pipe»

Leader of work: Proffessor Kalinichenko Oleg Ivanovich

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The trunk of mining hole not rarely loses diametral sizes, that is related to the high saturation of cut of mining holes by breeds with the brightly expressed plastic properties, and inclined to the tali and collapses. In such situation lowering the colon of obsadnykh becomes difficult or impossible. It has to levitate column of pipes and execute working of trunk to the set diameter. Technology and device are is developed for expansion of trunk of mining hole below than the shoe of obsadnoy kolony. A dilator goes down on boring pipes into an obsadnoy column. On leaving under a shoe a boring pump is included and due to the overfall of pressure of liquid on a throttle 6 force operating on a piston 4 is formed in the chamber of «a». Moving of piston provides the output of the reinforced paw 5 outside a corps 3 to the set diameter. In future the column of boring pipes gets unloaded and the revolved dilator passes his trunk of mining hole, extending to the set diameter.

Dilator Animation Dilator

Process of washing of mining hole at its deepening the kavernoznye areas of the unplanted trunk around represent a potential danger from point of formation in them of «stagnant» areas and accumulation of shlama, that in the turn can result in the origin of different sort of complications. Technology and device is are developed for the hydroblasting of kavernoznykh areas of trunk of mining holes before lowering and cementation of obsadnykh columns. The special washing device which consists of overhead reducer 1 is used to that end, metallic glasses 2 and 5, corps 4 with the axial ducting and elastic bulb 3. Principle of action of device consists in the following. At prokachyvanyy of boring solution through the device due to a presence in the corps of the lateral openings an elastic bulb is blown up and is increased in radial sizes due to the overfall of pressure in the washing openings of chisel. Thus circular gaps diminish between the lateral wall of cavity and elastic bulb, that results in growth of flowrate ascending solution in circular space. It is instrumental in the most complete bearing-out of shlama accumulating in cavities. Forcing of the modes of washing is not required thus, that allows to avoid the large hydrodynamic loadings and to provide stability of walls of mining holes.


1-overhead reducer; 2,5-metallic glasses; 3-elastic bulb; 4-corps

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