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E-mail: Dzyuba-svetlana@ramblerl.ru

Dzyuba Svetlana

Theme of masters work:
Normative money evaluation of the land technology research in Ukraine with the purpose of automated system creation on the basis of remote sounding data (based on Donetsk)


Urgency of the chosen subject: what for the normative money valuation of land is necessary:

Spheres of application of normative money valuation of land are defined by the Ukrainian legislation. The main spheres of application are:
- lands taxation (according to the law of Ukraine «About a payment for the land» basis for the charge of the land tax is normative monetary estimation of the plot of land);
- rent of the plot of land;
- privatization of the plot of land;
- land transmission to property, inheritance, on the security, donation;
- calculation of cumulative cost of the basic means of production;
- defining of the size of payment in authorized capitals of joint-stock companies, associations, cooperative societies.

Sources of data for carrying out NMEL:

The general plan of the city;
The plan of the existing settlement (the basic plan);
The scheme of the planning restrictions;
The scheme of the situation of the settlement in the system of settling;
Schemes of engineering preparation of territories;
Schemes of an ecological condition of territories;
Schemes of development of highways, internal and external transport;
Schemes of development of recreational zones, accomplishments and gardening;
Data about objects of a social infrastructure;
Schemes of engineering networks;
The data of management of economy and statistics about the population, the place of the city in the system of settling, the type of city under the administrative status. At the present stage of development of normative money valuation of land there is an unresolved problem: at present Ukraine does not have common introduced standard of the program of implementing of normative money evaluation of land of Ukraine.

History of origin of a cadastre and estimation of the lands

The first attempts of the account of quantity and quality of the lands were made at the primitive communal stage of manufacturing. However at that time the account was rather primitive and was carried out within the interests of a community. With the appearance of a private property of the means of manufacturing the necessity for more careful account rose. Apart from private proprietors the account was conducted by the slaveholding state. It took into account incomes from taxes, contributions, charges on the maintenance of army, etc. Land which already at that time was the basic means of production in agriculture gradually became an object for the account. At slaveholding stage special land registration action arises (a land cadastre) which continues to develop under feudalism and especially under capitalism. Thus, in Egypt, in days of the first pharaons (4 thousand years up to B.C.) estimation lists of the lands which were a subject for the taxation were carefully conducted. Estimation of the lands was carried out by special taxators - officials of the pharaon twice a year. Land cadastre of ancient Rome (4 century up to B.C.) was represented by the description of the land property. Special registers contained the data about the size of the land areas, a way of their processing, quality and profitability. Plans of manors, their names, borders and the sizes of land properties were put on the bronze tables, which also contained data about quality of the lands and the facilities. Thus, studying of land resources and carrying out of a land cadastre became a necessity with the formation of the state and development of the taxation. In the most ancient form of land taxation the size of the tax depended on the area of the land. At the next stage alongside with the account of quantity, a qualitative condition of the lands started to be taken into consideration, and subsequently the size of the income received from the lands of various quality. [1,3]

The account of the lands in the Soviet period

As a result of revolution of 1917 in Russian empire a change of a social and economic formation took place which caused change of all legislation. One of the first land laws was the Decree «About socialization of the land» of 1918, which fixed the national land property, labour character of land tenure, the equal right on using the land, proceeding from consumer-labour norm of land tenure on the lands of agricultural value. And statutes «About socialist land management» and «About measures of transition to socialist land tenure» of 1919 fixed two basic forms: state and collective. Simultaneously with that the land actually stopped to be object of the taxation. At the same time the state required data about the land. This necessity defined the structure of a land cadastre and the order of its conducting. Collectivization of individual peasant households meant only change of land users for the state: the set of small land holders were replaced by smaller number of large collective land users. This action was a great tragedy for millions of peasants. The land remained national property, the property of people which was managed by the state structures from their name. [2,4,5]

The Complex economic estimation of territories

From 1991 to 1995 the processes of reorganization of normative-legal base for the estimation of the lands became more active in Ukraine. Among the factors which had the greatest influence on the estimation, were:
1. Changes in legislative base (new edition of the Law «About a payment for the land») as a result of which the new name and the economic status of an estimation were approved (from «complex» its name was transformed to «monetary» estimation), an estimation is now defined as the capitalized investment income from the land area.
2. Expansion of the sphere of application of monetary estimation of lands (division into the lands of agricultural purpose and settlements).
3. Transition of functions of the control over development of an estimation of the lands from The state committee of city construction (Coskomgorstroi – Госкомгорстрой) of Ukraine to The state committee of land attitudes (Derzcomzem – Держкомзему) of Ukraine.
4. The result of the development of the specified processes became approvement in March, 1995 by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of the Technique of monetary estimation of lands of agricultural purpose and settlements and by Derzcomzem, Ministry of Agriculture and Food Production, Coskomgorstroi Ukraine and the Ukrainian Academy of agrarian sciences of the corresponding Order of a monetary estimation. Since then monetary estimation of lands of different categories developed according to existing normative-legal base (with taking into account respective alterations and additions). [6]

The purpose of my work now is:
To study volume of all initial information with the purpose of creation of a DB for storage, use and actualization of the data necessary for carrying out of normative money valuation of land;
To study the Technique and to develop algorithm for creation of universal technology of carrying out of normative money valuation of land;
Ultimate goal of this master work will be:
Creation of the UNIVERSAL Database which after entering the certain changes, concerning the certain city, can be applied to calculation of normative money valuation of land of any city.


1. Германъ И.Е. Исторiя русскаго межеванiя. 3-е изданiе. Москва, Типо-литографiя, В. Рихтеръ, 1914.

2. Комов Н.В. и др. Земельные отношения и землеустройство в России. Москва, 1995г., с.512.

3. ГИС-Ассоциация. Информационный бюллетень, №2(4), 1996, с. 25-26.

4. http://www.cfo.fccland.ru/ - Сайт Федерального агентства кадастра объектов недвижимости (Россия)

5. http://www.capitaleast.ru/ - Сайт группы компаний Капиталист

6. Методичні основи грошової оцінки земель в Україні: Навчальний посібник// Дехтяренко Ю.Ф., Лихо груд М. Г., Манцевич Ю. М., Палеха Ю. М. – К.: Профі, 2007. – 624 с.

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